DAZ Is Messing Up My Textures (On Imported Mesh)

I have worked for several days on a texture for a banshee which was made in Blender, using Blender and Photoshop both to work the texture. It looks gorgeous in Blender, but when I import the banshee into DAZ, the texture is suddenly distorted and ugly upon close inspection.

This isn't the first time I have had this problem with a texture messing up in DAZ and I have no idea how to fix it. I have tried various things to fix it in thiscase--first, making sure the mesh of the banshee was converted to SubD, removing the bump map, upping subdivision... nothing is working. And this is a huge texture, at 8192 by 8192.

Below I'm including screenshots; on the left is the DAZ import, on the right is what it looks like in blender. Please especially note the brown and tan around the eyes, and how fine it is in Blender only to get severely messed up in DAZ.


I really need help on this :(


  • I cannot actually tell but it might be your image file and iray at fault

    Iray hates certain jpg compressions apparently there have been a few people saying resaving a texture has fixed stuff

  • It is not a jpg at all nor is it compressed. It is a .png file, as .jgps always lose quality, so I never use them anymore. Resaving is not something that is working for me either.

  • Also, it's not iray. The texture is physically the same on the mesh, all messed up, even pre-render.

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    Except for a bit of blurring I don't see anything messed up.  Iray does down sample textures quite a bit and that could be the problem since you have such large texture size.

  • DrowElfMorwenDrowElfMorwen Posts: 538
    edited February 2017

    The texture now is both blurred and bleeding (look at the yellow to see what I mean). So yes there IS something wrong with the texture. And it's not ray I'm sure because it appears before I render anything. I bring in a texture and it is horribly pixelated. It is DAZ Studio itself doing something. Somehow it is compressing the texture and I need to figure out (well I would like somwone who knows what's gonig on assist) how to tell it to stop doing this. I mean if Blender can display the texture just fine, DAZ should be capable as well. 

    Post edited by DrowElfMorwen on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813
    edited February 2017

    Your viewport is in Iray preview mode, so you can't yet say the issue is not the way Iray is handling the material. If the model is SubD in DS is it the same in Blender?

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    Just to confirm, In blender when you apply subdivision modifiier or multi resolution modifier  for law poligon version,  did you check subdivide UV ? or you try to bake map for non-sub-D mesh, then check off the subdivide UV option?

    I believe DAZ auto apply  smooth uv. when user set sub-D,  then if you paint texture and bake you need to consider it . if you hope to use texture with sub-D mesh, I  set low poligon version as same resolution, then bake texture with sub-D UV option. then it may be similar UV, when import and apply sub-D in daz studio.

    And I feel if you use alpha to paint and mix color map  , in iray, it sometimes show strange effect for me,, (I saw it ,exproted texture from 3d Coat, sometimes)

    Skin is clored clar in 3d Coat, but in daz ray, it not show alpha value with color as same as before,,  though  I have never tried to paint  8K png for texture ,then can not offer good solution,  but hope to know,  what cause the difference around eye color.


    If I were you, at first remove normal and bump , then check your alberto map correctly rendered or not.  if it not work,, maybe,, there seems alpha problem I feel. 


  • DrowElfMorwenDrowElfMorwen Posts: 538
    edited February 2017

    Richard, yes for the purposes of the screenshot I put the viewport in Iray mode.

    Here is my viewport in DAZ on a regular texture setting, AND alongside it, what the blender version looks like with SUB-D turned off (not displayed--but even displayed, the texture still looks the same). The texture just looks weird in DAZ anyway, as if it doesn't want to display all the details. I immediately exported the banshee without turning SUB-D back on.


    This second picture, shows an Iray render (no changes at all made to mesh or texture settings), on the left side, and a 3Delight on the right. The texture does indeed look funny in the Iray render and not 3Delight, as if Iray wants to render a very low quality version.


    kitakoredaz, I do not understand all of your post, to be honest. I don't fool around with many settings in blender, I just texture paint, but I do indeed use alpha channels. The texture was baked, yes, but I couldn't really tell you what settings I "chose", I think they're whatever the default ones are. So, are you saying the use of alpha messes up the texture in Iray? If this is the case, then I have no idea how to get around it.

    So, I need a solution for making the texture keep its quality in Iray, after all, I guess :/

    Edit: I downsized the texture to a very small texture to test it. The quality became very pixeled, but more than that, the same Iray effect is still there (of making the texture "bleed"). Curiously, in 3Delight, the smaller texture doesn't look bad at all.


    For the record, the other place I noticed this is if you place a background picture in the Environment slot... Iray will also horribly pixelate a texture no matter the size, if one is not careful about it (like using a nature background versus something with a lot of solid color--it will pixelate the solid color very obviously).

    Post edited by DrowElfMorwen on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    Sorry, if It confuse you. And I do not know it is about your problem, but hope to tell what I think about iray BSDF.

    When you set new texture in blender, to  bake color map i,   you make new texture as SRGB,   how you set backgorund color? If  you set it as transparent, it may make different render, cycles and iray.   DS iray uber shader not circulate alpha  as base color map. 

    if your  texture have alpha 1.00 about all painted area, then use it as diffuse map, there is no problem.  or if you set backgorund color as black, then bake color on to the texture then export it, may not make difference.  

    but if you color adding  alpha values gradually, with  full transparent  background, and if some part keep alpha less than 1.0, then use it as diffuse (Alberto) color texture, it may show you different color . or not show the alpha difference at all. 

    I made simple texture , in gimp 2.9 .  it just colored with alpha 1.0 and alpha 0.5. then export it as png. In blender cycles,  if I plug the png texture, as BSDF,   it use alpha 0.5 mulitple with RGB, without any other nodes.  But In iray, if I use same png  as color map,  it not count alpha 0.5 (not malutiple) in iray view and rendered image, then just show same color  about all area..

    1051 x 715 - 79K
    994 x 773 - 120K
    916 x 723 - 79K
  • I'm sorry, I'm not entirely following.When I baked the texture, some layers did have alpha in them, but not the bottom layer, I think. So, should I try re-baking the texture with the bottom layer having no alpha?

    Actually, I made the "mistake" of opening the base layer inside Paint Shop Pro, an old Photoshop-type program. I found out when I do this, any alpha layers will be lost (because the program really sucks) and it doesn't matter the file type. So, I would think any alpha I did have on the bottom-mostl ayer, is probably gone anyway.

    However, the layer with the yellow and black dots, I did need to keep the alpha before I baked the texture. There is no other way to make it, I think. But I will try to experiment and find out.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    Untill try re-bake,  I want to know, if you plug your texture for cycles diffuse nodes, then render with base resolution, and render it,

    is there difference form iray- render?   (or from  what you painted in blender)


    I do not say, you should need to use 1.0 alpha for bottom layer, but I think you do not remain part which colored with 0.8 or 0.4 alpha

    when export the diffuse texture for iray-render, or you need to make cut-out opacity map, to show alpha color effect with diffuse map.

    (maybe it is same if you use other format with alpha) it cause problem to render as diffuse map.  


    then I often check vendor product, then I seldom see png for diffuse map.  it gives me some hint why vendor choose jpeg for daz iray textures.   I said me, to use jpeg when export for iray mat, about color-data or must fill colro once, then layer color with alpha not to remain trasnparent part with alpha. 

    though I am png fun,, and believe it give me more quality, there should be reason, whey vendor not use it for product I thinik.


  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,955



    On the render settings tab, under the advanced tab, what do you have set for your texture compression?



  • Mattymanx,


    THAT was the problem, THANK YOU!!  The compression was on default and I'm not even sure I knew that was a thing. The texture looks fine now if I don't compress it at all!


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