Why is this tutorial render slow?

Just downloaded DAZ, had it years ago but haven't used it in years, consider me a newbie.

Did the elf tutorial, man is your system of doing stuff complex, and the damn render is only at 3% after 23 minutes. How do I render a 2d image faster? The image sample of the render looks good now. Can I just save that? How do I understand render settings? I need some serious beginner hold my hand tutorials because this is really confusing.

Also, I use Blender. How can I import figures and environments to Blender or how could I import models I create in Blender to DAZ? I think animating in Blender would be easier too.

At any rate, beginner tutorials especiall videos would be great. But I REALLY need faster renders. This is just nonsense how slow it is.

Thank You.



  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,703

    Do you have a nvidia graphics card?

  • mikael-aronssonmikael-aronsson Posts: 588
    edited February 2017

    What renderer are you using, if 3Delight go to the render tab and check the settings for sampling and shading rate, if IRAY I have no idea, I don't render in DS.

    I assume you have OpenGL working fine as you use Blender ? but just in case check Help/Troubleshooting/About your video card menu and see what it say (IRAY may not work on GPU if older drivers or older hardware).

    You can always export OBJ, for animations you can export FBX (I never get it working on Blender but it can be done), you only get base resolution, no subdivided surfaces or HD, surfaces need a little TLC.

    You can export Collada and BVH if that is of any use.

    If you pay for it you can get MDD (You need to buy the aniMate2 full version, DS has the lite version) and Alembic export (separate plugin)


    Post edited by mikael-aronsson on
  • I don't know what graphics card I got. I was just clicking the icons the tutorial told me to click.

    Have no idea what IRAY is or 3Delight. Don't know what OpenGL is either when I want to render in Blender I just make sure I clicked on Blender Cycles which is the render engine whatever and it does what it needs to do. I understand sample and stuff like that for the render settings in Blender because it is very simple and there is no IRAY or any of the other crazy amount of settings like in DAZ. And I don't like how you can't turn presets off or choose the size of the render screen I hate that white box around the picture.

    Like I said I am a total newbie and know nothing at all about DAZ. In fact, it is very hard to use and not very intuitive. Posing models in Blender is much easier and more intuitive. What I don't get with Blender is what I guess you'd call textures. Like I am not good at making seams and then using that UV editor and then trying to make the figure have some realistic coloring and such. With DAZ that is already done that is why I wanted to learn DAZ but I also wanted to be able to build or alter the DAZ figures especially faces, so that I can create my own unique models. That is the goal but that is not my main problem.

    My main problem now is just learning what all this stuff is and the render settings and all that.

    And on a side note, I think it is funny how years and years ago I paid for the Alchemy set and now I get it free. Wish I could remember my old log in because I also already paid for Baroque Grandure but don't have the files anymore.

    Sorry, now I am babbling.

    Thank You for your help.


  • mikael-aronssonmikael-aronsson Posts: 588
    edited February 2017

    Well if Cycles is fast in Blender then you do have a graphics card that should work fine in DS also with a little luck.

    If you click on the Help/Troubleshooting/About your video card you should see if all is ok with that, (all text should be green).

    The white box is what will be rendered and you can select to use the current viewport, under the Render Settings tab, select "General", and there you have "Dimension preset", choose "Active Viewport" and it will always render the same size as your viewport, I assume that is what you want, you may want to goto the Edit/Preferences menu and select the "Scene" tab, in there at the bottom you have "Render settings:" and "Ignore when opening a scene file", check that, this will keep your setting otherwise it will use the settings in the scene file when you open one.

    The render settings in Blender are more complicated than the render settings in DS so if you just have a look it should not be any problem.

    If you want to do anything useful you really need to figure out some of the settings and what they do anyway, otherwise you will not get very far.

    It takes time to learn a new application, just give it some time, play around with the settings and see what they do, there are lots of tutorials available on youtube if you have something specific you need to figure out and just ask questions here of course also.

    3Delight is the "old" renderer, compare it with the built in standard renderer in Blender, IRAY is the same thing as Cycles in Blender, it's two different renderers available in DS, when ever you see IRAY think Cycles.

    Things get cheaper every day, old things get free, it happen to me all the time, nothing to be surprised about there ;)

    You have just as many settings in Blender, actually even more, it's just that you are used to them so it looks more easy, give it a little time and you will figure it all out.

    You can export objects from DS to Blender if you like to work with them there, but it depends on what you do, animations are a little tricky but can be done, I suffer from the reverse problem, I go crazy every time I try to use Blender, I have tried for the last 10 years or so about once every year, but every time I install it, it drives me nuts and I uninstall it again until there is a new version ;)


    Post edited by mikael-aronsson on
  • The white box is what will be rendered and you can select to use the current viewport, under the Render Settings tab, select "General", and there you have "Dimension preset", choose "Active Viewport" and it will always render the same size as your viewport, I assume that is what you want, you may want to goto the Edit/Preferences menu and select the "Scene" tab, in there at the bottom you have "Render settings:" and "Ignore when opening a scene file", check that, this will keep your setting otherwise it will use the settings in the scene file when you open one.

     I don't see the General thing. I clicked around until I saw something that said default settings and that made the white line invisible.

    I clicked on what I assume was the Render Settings Tab but there was no General.

    I had to really struggle with Blender to learn what I did so I guess I will have to do the same with DAZ.


    1920 x 1040 - 210K
  • Ah, you are using a layout that I find a bit confusing also, dont like it, try to change to another layout and see if you like that better (Window/Workspace/Select layout).


  • Been playing. Don't get how to pose. What makes the figure morph when I am just trying to pose.

    1920 x 1040 - 310K
  • Select the button with the bone and arrow in the middle of the toolbar at the top to pose, this allows you to "drag" different parts of the body, the other buttons do different things, move, rotate and scale (I would think you scaled the arm in the picture), you have to use the correct tool depending on what you want to do, look into the pinning tools also (youtube) you will need it to do anything useful, there are lots of tutorials on youtube on how to pose your characters.


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