Oh, to have a morph brush!

One of my favorite features of Poser, and one I sorely miss in D|S, is a simple morphing brush. If you've used Poser, you know how it works. You can set the surface to act upon, the size and strength of the "brush tip," and then the action -- push, pull, etc. In less than a minute you can do things like ease a stubborn part of clothing away from a hip -- beats fiddling with smoothing values which can wreck geometry if applied to strongly (and sometimes, when it's applied at all). Want to put an indent in a couch cushion where a figure is sitting. Takes 90 seconds. Save the morph, and you can dial in its strength.

Certainly this is something D|S can support. Poser has had it since the days of Louis XVI -- or so it seems.



  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841

    Push and pull could be mimicked with a Push Modifier (or two) and Push Modifier Weight node, or with a weight-mapped DForm. Still, that's not a full morph brush.

  • ToborTobor Posts: 2,300

    Richard, Aware of this, which is why as the core functionality is already there, it's pretty much down to just a usable user interface to expose this capability in a less arcane way. I wouldn't say the morph brush in Poser is exactly easy to learn, but it's easy to use once you get the hang of it. D|S should wrap the modifier functionality into a brush UI, giving users a very handy tool that shouldn't require tons of new development.

  • Silver DolphinSilver Dolphin Posts: 1,620
    Tobor said:

    Richard, Aware of this, which is why as the core functionality is already there, it's pretty much down to just a usable user interface to expose this capability in a less arcane way. I wouldn't say the morph brush in Poser is exactly easy to learn, but it's easy to use once you get the hang of it. D|S should wrap the modifier functionality into a brush UI, giving users a very handy tool that shouldn't require tons of new development.

    Yeah, I second this it does seem to work better in Poser. Yes, Daz studio has the tools you mentions but they are cumbersome and do not work as well as the Poser tool. Maybe this can be improved in next version of Studio.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841

    You can make a feature request, if you haven't. http://www.daz3d.com/help/help-contact-us

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Good idea.

  • I second this. It would be really useful!

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,612

    if they could just add soft select and transform to the geometry editor it would help.

    (like the Carrara displacement brush, I do this there already)

    Damn that could even work on subdivided HD mesh (though prob cannot be saved)

  • ebergerlyebergerly Posts: 3,255

    And I third it. And fourth it. 

    I've been a huge Blender fan forever pretty much, and do most of my stuff there. So I have no problem whatsoever jumping over to Blender to throw together an object or tweak something and bringing it back to Studio. And any textures/materials/etc which need tweaking are a simple jump to Photoshop to change transparency/"cut out", or re-color textures, or jump to Crazy Bump for normals or whatever. 

    However, when it comes to minor tweaks on a rigged figure or clothing or whatever, the one thing I'd really love is something like a morph brush. No need for a complete modelling tool, just a tweaker. 

    Although I'm totally thrilled at the new (well, at least to me...) Mesh Resolution/Mesh Smoothing features that will do iterations of collision detection to make sure your clothing doesn't have poke thru. Just enable it for whatever clothing you have, crank up the iterations, and instantly the poke thru ain't poking thru anymore. I just kinda stumbled on that one, but wow is it incredible. 

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