How to customize hair color with UHT2 ? Only 24 presets to choose from ?


i recently bought the UHT 2 Hair Color (Shader) from SloshWorks, all in all a great product, but how can i change the hair color to lets say : blue :-) ?

Do i realy need the Addon ?

Greetings Yandris




  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,490

    Well, you could try using UHT2 to set the hair to "Stark White" or one of the paler greys, then add a colour of your choice to the Base Color and Translucency Color boxes - they load as plain white (1.00 1.00 1.00) but if you click there you can pick any colour from the pop-up window that appears.

    One of the advantages of the add-on is that you get some rainbow effects too, but if you only want to add a simple blue, say, then try the DIY approach first and see how you like it.

  • AndySAndyS Posts: 1,438

    The UHT is a good base for optimizing a lot of hair products.

    I did it, because in most of the hair products, the creators implemented an artificial glossy shine directly into the diffuse, which doesn't fit to the individual lighting situation of the real scene. And I created own maps out of it with a 2 and 4 times density. Furthermore you have to play around with the glossy, backscattering, ... parameters to suit your likes.


    I think, there are bw maps of the diffuse structure. These you may use for bump/displace. But this could be a great base for your own color creations, if you use a picture processing program like PaintShop Pro, PhotoShop, ...

    But what ever you do, the result has a close dependeny on the available hair base mesh.

  • yandrisyandris Posts: 93


    thanks for replay.

    i will try it out tomorrow.

    greetings yandris

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