Daz Freebies
Posts: 86
I noticed that the images used on the promotions slider on the front page gets updated more often than the actual items. Half the time I see the new images I actually wish (and get my hopes up) that an item used in that promotion for the 'fast grabs' and 'freebies' were actually part of that current update. Like right now, I see items used that make me think of Sephoroth from FF7 and future Storm from X-men. I wish those items were actually being promoted rather than textures.
As recommended by others ALWAYS grab the textures. You never know when the actual required item will be discounted.
I find myself trolled by Daz quite often. I'd swear they change the vendor's pictures on the sale page.
I'm like "Didn't I look through this catalogue yesterday?"
Anytime there's a change in art, I click. Can't help it. I think they know this.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who has that issue with them.