Digital art by orbital

Ok decided I should be a little more pro active when it comes to posting on line. Hope you like, criticism is always welcome.

1200 x 866 - 382K

700 x 960 - 180K

1300 x 650 - 390K

1340 x 850 - 317K

1449 x 763 - 396K
I have always admired your images, so nice to see some of them here. :coolsmile:
WOW! Superb images!
Thanks guys!!
It doesn't mention which programs these were done in. Should we hazard a guess? Bryce perhaps?
Yes sorry I use Bryce and photoshop.
Do look a bit Bryceish don't they? Either that or he's got a time machine and a good camera.
Damn you Joe. You simply can not post images for criticism and then give us nothing to criticize! And as if that wasn't bad enough you had to make them so beautiful that even if there was something to criticize I wouldn't want to criticize them because they don't deserve it! Hey wait, that was criticism. Hah, I feel much better now for I can honestly say that there is one glaring flaw to your images. They're too beautiful! :cheese:
Now go whip me up a tutorial on how you did it. Chop chop...
They are all astonishing views.
These were done in Bryce? Wow! They're all so beautiful!!! Amazing work. The first two are superb and the last two awesome.
My favourite is No. 2, but the others are only slightly less awesome (by about 0,000001 %).
super renders
Thank you very much everyone. I need to get some tutorials together soon.
Here's a couple more. Once again Bryce and Photoshop.
Joe? Is someone currently living inside your head? If not can I move in there please?! :cheese:
waiting ;-)
More pictures please! :D
orbital like others here I cannot find anything wrong..on the contray these are some of the best Bryce images I have seen in a long time but I would be interested in knowing how much colour correction you do in Photoshop...not that I oppose of such things but just out of interest.
These need no critic. Dreamworld, contact, astonishing view, once upon a time- all of the images are epic pieces of work. As Harry said do give us a tut when you've got time. :)
P.S Astonishing view is going to grace my monitor.
Depends on how much postwork is involved, some are minimal, such as contact and once upon a time. More maybe for the space scenes, because I'm still learning with the backdrops etc. Rule of thumb if the sky is natural looking then a few minor adjustments blending the sky together. I only tend to work on the sky, because the skylab can never quite achieve the results I'm looking for. Saying that I think I can master most aspects of the skylab.
Glad you liked it !
O! O! O! :wow:
Man that's awesome, your renderings rock!
What special background do you have?
None what so ever. Was never really interested in art at school other than it was an easy lesson to mess around in. I wish I had paid more attention now though. I guess I was lucky to get into Bryce when it was at it's peak in terms of the talent using it. I know that might seem harsh and a bit disrespectful, but at the time we had people like Rochr, Hobbit, Alvinylaya, Humorix, Gevidal, Beton and many others all posting awesome work up and sharing techniques etc. So it was very easy to be inspired by what others were doing and spurred me on to want to do better.
Here are a few links for you to check out so you can see what I mean
Some are still active and have moved on so you may need to look at the older works to see when they were using Bryce.
Some more from the archive.
Thanks Orbital, for the URLs to these galleries over there at renderosity.
I guess Bryce is worth a second longer look, after I've got only dull scenes while I was taking the first short one.
I'll remain in silent little envious admiration :)
Depends on how much postwork is involved, some are minimal, such as contact and once upon a time. More maybe for the space scenes, because I'm still learning with the backdrops etc. Rule of thumb if the sky is natural looking then a few minor adjustments blending the sky together. I only tend to work on the sky, because the skylab can never quite achieve the results I'm looking for. Saying that I think I can master most aspects of the skylab. A bit like me then, either heavy postwork or none to little...whatever the need. Anyway I am still impressed, good artwork, a joy to see, thanks for sharing.
A new one from me. Bryce and photoshop.
Inspiring work.