Creating flashing disco dance floor for DAZ Studio?

EightiesIsEnoughEightiesIsEnough Posts: 1,132
edited March 2017 in Daz Studio Discussion

Is there a tutorial on how to create a disco dance floor with flashing images, or any animated object that flashes images?

Post edited by EightiesIsEnough on


  • You might try talking to Jay ("Marshian" on the forums). He is a PA who dabbles a lot in that style of lighting. I'm sure he could point you in the right direction. 


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602

    well for a start you need to have one of the animated textures products or Casual's Matanim script

    I am unsure how well they work in iray

    the other more painful way is to put images on multiple planes etc that translate into view frame by frame.

    on the bright side if it repeats you can save a pose preset to reapply along the timeline

  • The dance floor I intend to create is supposed to repeat.  So a pose preset for each frame is beneficial.

    How do I save as a pose preset?

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