DSON problems in Poser 9

W R WW R W Posts: 0
edited January 2013 in The Commons

I've had two or three accidental and very temporary successes with the DSON IMPORTER for Genesis>Poser(9) and I have this to say:

The DSON Importer is NOT a Genesis Importer To Poser, as advertised. It imports *ONLY* *VERY* specific items (there are a couple dozen) designed for compatibility with Poser. It's impossible to separate Poser items you want to keep from Genesis items you can't return if you buy bundles. And (if you haven't noticed) there is not a single word of printed documentation in any of the DSON readmes or online forums or docs or FAQs that agree in the end how the damn thing is supposed to function.

I bought a bucket of Genesis items I really wanted to use and couldn't because I chose not to learn Daz Studio in the middle of an assignment -- not sure I could have used them even had I, never saw what they were like in person, only the bait-n-switch ads rendered in Hexagon or Bryce or Daz Ztudio -- but now I have all this useless garbage, about $125 +/- best guess, and don't even have the satisfaction of burning paper on their office steps. All electronic "As Seen On TV" promises unkept, but my real money gone. Can't even resell the stuff, just suck it up, they have the monopoly.

This says nothing of the hoops you have to jump through to install your entire Runtime outside your Poser directory, nay the entire "Programs" or "Programs (x86)" folder ... several times, to get Poser to recognize the directory, then every time you load a familiar .PZ3 or .PZZ file it asks you to "Please locate (every-single-map-in-your-scene-and-every-piece-of-geometry)" and it's not satisfied with being pointed to the directory once, it wants to be pointed there every single time or it can't find it ...

Buyer beware! If you think you get Genesis with Poser through DSON, you're in for a shock. And if you think you're going to get satisfaction if you ask questions or complain, you're in for another, or several.

DAZ, you need some serious competition from an open-source outfit tired of your attitude. I don't understand how a software company can be so brilliant and so deaf simultaneously. You are the only outfit in town who does what you do, why do you go out of your way to act like it?

Peace and love.

Post edited by adamr001 on


  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504
    edited December 1969

    How about instead of giving us the 'corporations are evil' speech, you try to find out what the problems are? The importer should work perfectly fine for the majority of Genesis items, and if it isn't working for you then perhaps you should ask if someone has experienced anything similar. As this sort of issue doesn't come up terribly often, we can probably assume there's something wrong with the way it's set up on your system. Perhaps if we had more details we could help to remedy the situation rather than barking angrily up the wrong tree.

  • adamr001adamr001 Posts: 1,322
    edited December 1969

    We have forwarded your issues on to Customer Service. Please communicate with them on your issues. We are closing this thread as it will only lead to arguments and feelings of ill will between users.

This discussion has been closed.