parenting genesis 3 figures takes forever

I was attampting to parent genesis 3 figures to their furnature, each drag from studio up for like 2 minutes. I don't seem to remember that issues happening before.


  • RodrijRodrij Posts: 157

    I just create a group and put everything I want to move together in the same group. Without looking I think it is rightclick scene tab>create> Group.

    Also If you parent the furniture to the Genesis figure instead it would go faster I think since a genesis figure has many bones to transfer.

  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,705

    Basically I had a couch with a few people all posed on it, and realized the couch was going through the wall a bit when came render time. Seemed the best way to move the couch and all the people would be to parent them to the couch. Next time I will try grouping, hopefully there won't be a next time, and I will never make such a glaring error and not notice it until the scene is all filled up lol. Wishful thinking :P

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