Cannot find background scene used in The Antfarm's Bat Thing picture

CWR63CWR63 Posts: 19
edited March 2017 in Product Suggestions

bat thing

I've searched stairs, steps, stone, gaslamp, exterior night, and all the structures in The Antfarm's catalog. What am I missing?

Post edited by Chohole on


  • CWR63CWR63 Posts: 19
    edited March 2017

    I just found it - Jack Tomalin's Abatement. I was looking up cathedral, mauseoleum, crypt, column - I only found it by going through all the exteriors. The only word used to describe this structure in the catalog text is abatement. Please credit your environments and other incidentals used in your catalog entry art! And please use more common, searchable words in your product descriptions!

    Post edited by CWR63 on
  • Please credit your environments and other incidentals used in your catalog entry art!

    Sometimes content used is from other stores and can't be linked to (DAZ Policy), other times the content may not yet be out (PAs have access to content that is in the testing stage), and other times its simply a matter of not remembering where it was from or what is in the final release images is different than the list the PA may have made to go with the initial submission images.

  • CWR63CWR63 Posts: 19
    edited July 2019

    I'll concede your point concerning attribution of catalog entry art, but the not using common, searchable words in your product description (as in Jack Tomalin's Abatement) is just leaving money on the table. In the same way that all parody songs end up attributed to Weird Al, all well made structures sold for Poser/Daz are going to be presumed Stonemason creations, unfair as it may be.

    Post edited by CWR63 on
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