Not necessarily an issue but...

I've used one of the Oiled shaders from Dimension Theory's Anodized - Custom Shader and Preset Suite for Iray. In a lighted scene, it looks great. In low to no light, it glows in the dark. Not a problem; I love it LOL. The problem is I don't know how to turn that glow off when I don't want it to. Does anyone know how to do that? Just in case I do want them to not glow lol.


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 100,804

    Check its emissive colour - click on the glowing area with the Surface Selection tool, then look in the Editor tab of the Surfaces pane. A non-black emissive colour will emit light.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,980

    Does the original shader apply an Ambiet colour tothe surface?  If so, the shader conversion done behind the scenes when rendering with Iray (or the manual converion you migth do when applying the Uber base) might give the surafce an emmisve quality/quantity - look for settimgs under the Emissioon sub-heading in Surafces (Emisssion colour, Emission temperature, and primarily Luminance).

  • Richard, once the shader is applied, there is no emissive setting. That was the first thing I checked :)

    SimonJM, the character is created for iray so there was no ambient setting in surfaces. Also, there are no emissives on for any of the other body parts.

    Here is a cropped version of the render I was trying to do. I had to stop it after 9 and a half + hours with it only being 2% rendered.

    435 x 435 - 228K
  • I stand corrected. I just reloaded the character from scratch and, before applying one of her skin sets, I looked in the surfaces tab. It turns out she is not set for iray. But, while her nails have no ambient settings active, other parts of her do. So, when I converted her as a whole, it must have applied the ambient setting to the nails as well.

    Now I know lol.

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    Happy accidents!

  • Okay, I decided create her a 3rd time and look at the Surfaces at each step.

    1. Loaded G3F and her Surfaces are not iray. Only Eye moisture and Cornea have Ambient active.

    2. Applied character morph so no changes to the Surfaces.

    3 Applied character texture without converting Surfaces to iray beforehand and that application automatically changed the Surfaces to iray. None of the Surfaces have emissive active.

    4. Just set up for a night scene with a single spotlight on her upper body so it leaves the nails in mostly darkness and applied a basic background so she isn't standing in the middle of nothing or clouds.

    5. Applied DTAS - OiledA. There are now no emissive settings.

    Before I type what happened next, I'll just say that I typed the above as I was applying each of those steps. This is what followed.

    I'd intended to a render but viewing it in the iray preview, her nails didn't glow. However, the background was dark and couldn't see it so I decided to turn it into a minor emissive and attached its texture map to the emissive colour then played with the luminance. Lo and behold, her toenails start to glow. In the original image that inspired this thread, there are a number of emissives in the scene and I'm now guessing that is what is causing the shader effects to glow LOL.

    Want no glow, don't have emissives in the scene :).

    First image, background not an emissive.

    Second image, background as an emissive but it made a lier out of me because the emissiveness isn't that strong lol.

    So, I did a third image and added an emissive like the original image to duplicate the effect and this is the result. The stronger the emissive and it shining onto the surface, gives that glow in the dark effect. HA! The emissive is showing off her sparkling skin :)

    572 x 927 - 591K
    572 x 927 - 735K
    572 x 927 - 729K
  • Indeed, Llynara :)

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