Low-poly figures (again)

I still don't understand how no one sells a crowd as a prop. Or "Shoppers" or "Fans" or "Club goers" etc...

Not 1 figure but a group..They don't move- dont do anything but populate landscapes....

I could have a whole store-dedicated to all these groups...people on line...

Think of how much more interesting renders would be if there were figures all over..

I would get a a ton of those...

Make dystopian ones...or a few figures in a few poses...looking off, looking up, looking down...layed out relaxing..hurrying along.

Stonemason could use them to populate his cityscapes...



and this

They need very little detail...OUR figures populate the forground, they populate the backdrop and can even be blurry textured.

Colors washed out and muted...They could have basic material choices like, bright, medium and dark....

You could always do pairs even...couple holding hands...parent and child.....lovers.....two friends, parallel to keep slopes or slanted terrain from becoming an issue.

Seated figures...park figures...person on a bike...futuristic garb- hoodies and steampunk outer-shapes...

Extras like workmen....the kind that would populate that hangar...dead characters..sprawled about..people sleeping....

This can't be that difficult a thing to do and it would sell a fortune...

All you'd need to consider is somewhat dramatic poses with limbs extended so one can make out the shape of a person....

The mechanic with his arms raised holding a giant tool. Kid with Ballons.....woman with umbrella..

It's the figures that are created to show included poses....they could be frozen in poses like that and voila- instant battle scene..My main character is in the foreground and behind them are a bunch of other knights in battle...soldiers in combat....etc..

For club scenes it's a must. Sporting events...



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