... My non existant Platinum Club membership expired?

StevenT2112StevenT2112 Posts: 8

I really don't know where else I can post this so I'm sorry if this is the wrong forum.

I just got an email from DAZ saying that my Platinum Club membership has expired and something like lowering the cost of an annual membership to 30 bucks, and that I would be given 30 bucks to spend on DAZ originals.

Now here's the really weird thing... I have never had a PC membership at DAZ nor do I remember signing up for one in the past so I find it to be really odd that I'm getting an email like this.

With the exception to PC members... anyone else get this? Is there something I might have missed? I am really confused.


  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    If you have never been a PC member, then it is obviously a mistake.

    There was a free sign up for the PC quite a while ago, maybe you took part in that? I believe anyone who signed up was given a free month of PC as a trial. If you want to join the PC, it looks like a good deal to me, but if you don't, then just ignore it, no harm done.

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