Use DAZ3D content, with other software as commercial

Are there any rules to use DAZ3D content, with a different program (f.e. Blender) in a commercial project?




  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    You cannot redistribute Daz 3d Content in any form, nor derivatives of it.  This includes Daz Original Content and PA content sold in the Daz 3D store. This is set out quite clearly in the EULA

  • If you do games some PA's have game developer licenses you can buy.

  • GranvilleGranville Posts: 696

    You can render in another product, just not in anything that would require distributing the mesh to other people.

  • ToborTobor Posts: 2,300
    fastolph said:

    Are there any rules to use DAZ3D content, with a different program (f.e. Blender) in a commercial project?

    I think like Granville suggests you're asking if you can use your Daz content to create 2D artwork in a program other than Daz Studio -- for example, Blender, whatever. The answer to that is you can. If that weren't the case, Poser users would be left out in the cold.

  • You can render in another product, just not in anything that would require distributing the mesh to other people.

    Well, it's not just the mesh, you cannot distribute any of the original assets including mesh and image maps.

  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,700

    You can render in another product, just not in anything that would require distributing the mesh to other people.

    Well, it's not just the mesh, you cannot distribute any of the original assets including mesh and image maps.

    Correct.  You can personally use the meshes and maps in another 3D program, but you can't distribute them.  Any renders, still and animation, you create with the assets are yours and can be distributed (with the exception of one older product that has Anna Marie Goddard and has more limitations per its EULA).  Even with Game licenses, there are still limitations.  You should read the EULAs and if you still have questions, submit a ticket to ask Daz as the forums are peer-to-peer and only DAZ can provide you with the best information with regard to use.

  • Can I use Daz 3d content commercialy that I download.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Read Cris' post above yours.

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