Grid disappears

Hi all; When I start DS, the grid shows, then all the sudden diappears. Is there a fix for that? Thanks


  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636

    Click on the viewport options menu (4 horizontal bars in the upper right-hand corner of the viewport) and make sure "Show Floor" is checked.

    Hope this helps.

    - Greg

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    Showing briefly and then vanishing sounds like the viewport is using nVidia Iray preview mode, set by the button to the right of the camera/view picker at to[p-right of the viewport. It shows the OpenGL preview while preparing, with the griud, then switches toIray, without

  • Hi Greg.. I checked and it was set to show floor.. but that was still helpful as everyday I discover more about all these settings :o) Richard, I am not sure of what that is..but if you recall awhile back I tweaked the to make it mostly white font on black BG due to eyesight isues.. I swtiched though to another layout and it reappeared. To be honest I am not really overly impressed by all the Iray hype anyways..thinking seriously about switching back to the ATI / AMD card.. The nVidia card is ok in Daz..but seems it causes havoc in some other applications such as my Xfinity player where it crashes a lot. Hopefully Daz in the future will come up with a renderer that is well rounded for both nVidia and ATI..

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,603

    have you got a second pci slot?

    if so put your nvidia card in that  and manually select it in D|S preferences.

    other apps and your monitors will pretty much ignore it unless specifically set, your PC will prob put a warninng message about incompatibility you can close up everytime you start up but otherwise is ok.

    Make sure you have a driver for both.


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