DS Lagging when I have any tool selected beyond "arrow"

It started 2 weeks ago, in DS 4.8. If I select the pose tool or rotate tool or xyz tool, etc. it started lagging between every movement, for seconds to up to a minute a time.

So, I installed 4.9 to see if that would do better, but it has the sames issues. I have over 100 GB free on my HD, and 12 GB RAM

Any suggestions?


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Does this happen with an unclothed figure?  Any OS or driver updates?

  • No updates that I know of. I'm on win10, so I suppose it could have happened. It doesn't matter if there is nothing in the scene at all (brand new scene), if I select the xyz tool or rotate or such, it starts lagging. The only think I can think of that is different, is that I cleared my hard drive from having 24 GB Free and in the RED, to the 100 GB, by moving a bunch of old files to an external drive (Nothing DAZ related). Right after that it started lagging. (It wasn't lagging at 24 or even 12GB free space).


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