How do I delete an animation Time Line?

I am working with dynamic cloth and attempting to save a piece of cloth/clothing in the final stage of a timeline so that I can then use the VWD Pythin Script with DS Bridge to move hair into a 'dynamic' pose. 

What I am having trouble with is understanding how to run a timeline from default pose to a set pose to posiiton the dynamic cloth in the final posed position and then save it as a final posed piece of cloth or morph. ONce I can do this I will then work on the hair......but how do I save the final stage of the cloth as a mor[h for the pose?


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841

    If you export the base item as OBJ, then the final shape as OBJ (hide everything else in the scene) you should be able to load as a morph with Morph Loader (Advanced or Pro). I'm not sure if that is what you want.

  • SLoTH_XVXSLoTH_XVX Posts: 199

    First of all, thank you Richard for the feed back. Not sure if this is what I want or not....will have to give it a try and see if it is. 

    Second, HOLY POOP my typing skills that night were absolutly garbage!!! Thank you for overlooking them and decifering what I was trying to say/ask....LOL

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841

    Heh, I have absolutely no room to comment on another person's typing.

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