the UV wrap export issue again I found a workaround Poser D3D DSON loader

this is an ongoing issue that raises its ugly head exporting obj and FBX from DAZ studio to other software.
The only thing I can fix it in is Carrara.
iClone and Poser I am pretty much stuffed unless I use a Carrara export which tends to lose all my map paths.
It seems to occur on some props not others and I am sure the same issue occurs in other softwares like MAX, Blender etc.
It ideally needs to be fixed in DAZ studio or in the exporters.
What happens is textures are wrapped in the UV space and the UV mapping is destrroyed on export.
As I said I can fix it in Carrara, in the Vertex room there is an untick U option in UV mapping that fixes it
or more often I do a notebook hack on the Carrara scene for large files Kakman discovered finding replacing ABoo 23 with ABoo 3
I have no solution for iClone sadly and it bugs me immensly as I never know buying something if it will work or not.
First Bastion's divided Highway the latest disaster.
with so many parts fixing it in Carrara then reapplying all the maps on the export is daunting.
Thing is the vendors are not at fault IMO, its a DAZ duf issue as Poser files all work fine using a geometry folder, a pp2 or obj/obs etc
its the duf format or dsf that breaks it somehow and exporting back to obj the information is wrong
surely not everyone just uses DAZ studio
there must be others who export DAZ content that this warrants some investigation?
I have never had a problem with the UVs breaking on export from Studio. As to whether a program can read the new UDIM format on the Genesis 3s that is another matter.
probably 90% of stuff does not do it.
its the annoying few that do that are the problem
ones I have include Faveral's Perogues, Stonemasons later sets that are D|S only, and now this First Bastion set.
I only want a solution a way to easily fix it be it a duf notebook edit or something, I am utterly clueless its frustrating.
collapsing UV fixes the Genesis 3 issue
this is different
It's possible, however unlikely, that the UV maps themselves are faulty in that there is something offset so it falls outside the square tiles. That's really the only thing I can think of off-hand that could be the prroblem.
OK some examples
iclone and Poser obj imports
Have you tried with Collapse UVs off, as I suggested in yoru previous thread on this issue?
and how I fix it in Carrara
So it seems to be sets that use tileable textures.
well a Dimension 3D DSON load of the First Bastion set is fixed in Poser
not all do or for that matter import
yes and I could not find that thread or would have posted there, feel free to merge it if you can
I must see what Bryce does out of curiousity
yes same issue
I actually am having a few crazy issues with this set, it seems some bits on different parts of the set are joined to others, it cannot just be broken up
I totally missed stuff far away in vertex room
I thought in Carrara as no instancing could just duplicate and replicate but its turned out somewhat more difficult the UV problem the least of my problems
Ah, you weren't the OP
no wonder I could not find it
its an issue all Carrara users face though but we did at least find a solution
its iClone thats giving me the grief now
I am still looking fruitlessly on the web and at obj files in notepad for an answer to this issue.
It is only duf mesh exported from DAZ studio that seems to do it.
Poser obj based mesh is fine
iClone being the big problem for me, I can fix it in Carrara by unticking U wrap
testing it does it in Poser and Bryce too.
I would be happy to just have an obj file notepad edit solution but cannot see anything in the file to explain why it happens
I usually export characters and some scenes to Blender and I didn't get this issue so far.
I know the obj format has limits in what the textures can do. I don't know if it supports uv tiles, may be not. But as far as I know it should work in fbx. As soon as I get home I'll do some tests with Blender and let you know.
yes others have said Blender works
I am still trying to isolate the issue as even a messed up one not fixed re-exports fine form Carrara as an obj and I cannot see any differences in the obj files
and it is not a texture tiling issue rather a UV tiling issue in that moving the UV stays in the box limits if on and can stray out the box if off
what it seems to do is make sure any texture applies seamless in DAZ studio
In my tests DAZ Studio can't export the tiling information of the surface. This is true both for the obj and fbx formats. And both with or without collapse uvs.
In details, if the uv map is normalized (it is inside the 0,0 to 1,1 coordinates of the uv space) then collapse uv does nothing. If the uv map is not normalized then collapse uv does a mess, both with or without tiling.
Below the simple test I did with a subdivided plane with a not normalized uv map. And how it imports back in Blender when tiling is on and collapse uv is on. In essence, it seems to me that any scene using tiling can't be exported correctly to any other software in any other formats. I guess I was just lucky that I didn't meet any of them yet.
yes it is a small but slowly increasing percentage of mostly props
figures seem to have less if any issues
Just for the sake of completeness I'd add that baking a texture tiling is very easy. It is enought to scale the uv map and apply the offset accordingly. So I miss to understand why DAZ Studio doesn't export it. Below the baking of the simple example I did before.
I just created a plane in modo, dragged it out so it was larger than the unit square, exported as OBJ in to DS, exported uner a nwe name, and imported into modo - the tiling UVs made the round trip intact and rendered correctly.
maybe Modo and a few other programs can handle this issue correctly but sadly iClone 3Dxchange does not and that is the program I want to use these props in.
I can fix it in Carrara but it needs to be fixed on every obj and again iClone 3Dxchange imports obj's as separate meshes so for big duf based scenes by Faveral, Stonemason and First Bastion in particular which have this issue it gets rather time consuming.
I just want a quicker fix and was hoping I could do it in the obj file itself but apparently not.
If you applied the tiling in Modo then yes I guess Modo bakes the tiling as in my example above so it works. What doesn't work is when you apply the tiling in DS then export to obj. If you look at the exported uv-map the tiling isn't baked so the exported obj file doesn't work.
I also cannot reimport an obj back into DAZ studio of these props without the wrap issue BTW so for someone using only DAZ studio wanting to combine a set into one prop it's an issue too.
You can't crate tiled UVs in DS (or, without using one of Casual's scripts, any UVs). The topic isn't tiling in the material or (for Iray) map settings, it's using out-of-bounds UVs to tile. As far as I am aware that is a standard and widely used featue - it was certainly used back in Poser 4 when there was no built-in way to tile and I'm pretty sure I've seen it suggested as a method in respect to other applications - so this sounds like an iClone bug/limitation.
and Bryce too
fortunately not many people use that
runs away from a lady with a club
tiling been around forever, what changed?
duf format
it only happens in the DAZ studio format introduced with D|S4
I had an idea but executing it created a new issue
PP2 exporter
it creates file names too long for DAZ studio to read