Toon Generation 2 Clothing Issues.

asymptoteasymptote Posts: 29
edited April 2017 in Daz Studio Discussion

Hi, I have a GF3 hoodie fitted to the Toon Generation 2 Male, it looks fine except the top edge on the back of the hoodie is being influenced too much by the bones underneath.

How do I go about reducing/removing the influence?

I have the node weight map Tool open, I have the Neck Upper node slected and the verts displayed and selected, but cannot figure out how to set the weight to "0".

Nothing I do in there has any effect at all.

In 3ds max with the skin modifier it's a simple case of drag selection the verts and setting their influence to 0.

I would have assumed Weight Editing / Fill Selected would be the equivelant, but it has no effect.

I've spent an hour trialling and erroring all the parameters and have had no success.

Any pointers would be appreciated.



Post edited by asymptote on


  • asymptoteasymptote Posts: 29

    I should mention, the hoodie is for the G3F, auto fitted to the Toon Generation Male, selecting and removing "General Weights" doesn't affect the area I'm wanting to alter.

  • asymptoteasymptote Posts: 29


    The hoodie fits the GF3 and GM3 without issue, only the TG2M has the problem.

    No go, so I started to make my own clothing in zBrush

    Apply transform utility and the clothing is scaled down and unusable.

    Works fine with GF3 and GM3


    Same thing from MD and 3ds Max



    I'm at a loss as to why this is happening.


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    If you're building your clothing around the toon morph, you need to have "Reverse Deformations" checked, and you may need to turn off the scaling before exporting.

  • asymptoteasymptote Posts: 29

    Thanks, I'll look into it later, in the meantime I fixed the initial hood issue with a custom morph.

    I'm not quite sure what you mean by "turn off scaling", I see no options for that in the Goz workflow.

    This TG2M model must have a different structure to it causing the deformations.

    edited May 2017

    hello. i have the same issue as mentionned above by asymptote 

    i'm using DAZ 4.9 and ZBrush 4R7 P2 to model cloths for toon generation 2

    I spent many hours googling for how to go over this, i found this thread in the 3d univers website

    i tried to follow it step by step but i always have the same problem.

    any help will be appreciated; thanks


    Post edited by METHODYA on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841

    As Mike says, you need to model around the zeroed figure or to use Reverse Source Shape from Target in the Transfer utility.


    hello, thank you very much Richard Haseltine for your help

    i made it by zeroing the the figure in the edit menu. then export it to Zbrush; after modeling the cloth i export it back to Daz via goz

    ther i used transfert utility to morph the cloths over the zeroed figure and finally i applied the character that i want to use it fits to oit very good

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