Daz Studio Pro - problem on windows 10 machine

I have a frustrating problem that means I can't use Daz Studio Pro 4.9 on my new windows 10 machine. The main symptom is that the left mouse click won't select on many items, some are drop down menu list items, some are daz content heirachies. Also,  menu items like FILE, EDIT, CREATE etc don't highlight with mouseover and yet tab headings and icons do highlight with mouseover. I have tried everything to fix and am ready to give up. Maybe there is someone out there that has seen this before and can give some pointers? I think it is a windows 10 environment issue were something expected is missing as Daz Studio Pro 4.8 has same problem on w10 machine of mine as do the 32bit versions. So I don't think its the C++ re-distributables because there are different versions for 32 and 64 bit and both have same problem. Ay help would be greatly appreciated.


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    What graphics card/chip do you have?  Are your drivers up-to-date?

  • I use an MSI Gaming Laptop with onboard graphics and Nvidia 960M. As far as I know, the onboard is the one that is engaged in normal application operation of the UI and its the renders that get passed over to the Nvidia graphics card. Anyways, yes, everything is up to date.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    TBH, with only a 960M it has little IRAY rendering capacity.

    Have you (well has MS told you it's installing it like it or not) installed the anniversary update? I saw some issues reported in another thread, which one I don't remember. I've stopped my comp upgrading till Im ready and I know there are no issues.

  • I just built a new Win10 render machine this month, and I've not seen this problem.  I have to suspect that there is something specific to your machine that isn't configured correctly.  If you're using onboard graphics, do make sure that the Intel graphics drivers are current as well.

  • nickalamannickalaman Posts: 196

    What is your resolution in windows? I have a similar problem that is caused becuase of my 4k screen and magnification of the windows interface. Studio starts of ok, then after a while the menus stop working, this only happnes when i use magnification in windows.


  • Nickalaman,I checked and magnification is not on.

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