Help Needed: Volunteer to export Bryce figure to Daz
Posts: 2,674
I need someone who could load a free Bryce figure and export it into a Daz figure for me. This is all on the up-and-up, I have permissions to do this from the provider (this is a project for him)...I can give full info if needed to the volunteer. PM or respond here and I'll PM :D
Nada? Nunca? Noone?
Sorry about the lack of responses. Please don't take the silence as anything personal. Modeling in Bryce requires Boolean functions. Any models of moderate detail likely employ generations of nested boolean operations performed on primitives, thus the polygon counts are not at all optimal. Such models may not export nicely. When modeling in Bryce one has to determine from the start if they plan on distributing said model in formats other than native Bryce. After the fact decisions often will leave you lost. And then there is the issue of UV mapping, not easy when boolean operationss are the only way to alter the form of the primitves. It takes a fair amount of familiarity witrh Bryce and with outside software as well as competency in Daz Studio to come up with a viable product. This is why permissions are so important, because it may turn out that certain aspects of the project might be better off modeled in some other software. I may be able to help. I'll send you my contact info via PM. Talk to you soon. Best of luck!