MDD file format for Carrara problem
Posts: 147
I’m having issues with the MDD file format for Carrara
When importing a MDD file into 3ds max I was getting an error where some of the vertices in the mesh would not animate they were just staying in the start position so I thought I’d check if the problem was due to Max or Carrara by exporting a MDD from Carrara then importing it back in again.
Every time I do this however I get a message that says “an error has occurred while executing import”
I’m using the 8.5 beta is this likely to be the cause of the import error? Or am I just doing something else wrong. What is the procedure for importing MDD’s in Carrara?
None of the animation related plugins will work properly in Carrara 8.5 until DAZ fixes a critical bug. You have to use 8.1
'Tis a beta for a reason! If there's a bug report related to your issue in the bug tracker, you can add your voice to it!
oh... was this common knowledge? Glad I read this before paying for Marvelous Designer, since that's the main reason I bought the MDD plugin... :/
When you say "None of the animation related plugins..." what does that mean? What is the limitation in C8.5?
Any attempt to use the SDK to access the timelines causes an immediate crash. There's a bug on it, but it's not publicly visible - I really didn't expect it to be quite this long back when I reported it.
A great many of my plugins do not work under 8.5 because of that, and there is nothing at all I can do.
oh... was this common knowledge? Glad I read this before paying for Marvelous Designer, since that's the main reason I bought the MDD plugin... :/
When you say "None of the animation related plugins..." what does that mean? What is the limitation in C8.5?
ERC, Add Keyframes, Delete Keyframes, Jitter Keyframes, Remove Duplicate Keyframes, MDD (import)
ERC, Add Keyframes, Delete Keyframes, Jitter Keyframes, Remove Duplicate Keyframes, MDD (import)
Ok... I thought I was using them wrong. At least now I know it wasn't me...
I just purchased the MDD file format and installed in Carrara However, when attempting to export, I get the following after selecting 'ok' on the Lightwave Motion Designer Export panel:
"an error has occurred'. I tried using the plugin on another machine and get the same problem. It case it matters, I'm using the 64-bit version.
Fenric, any ideas on what is happening?
I just tried it with Carrara 7 and I get the same results. It fails to export/save.
Perhaps there is something I'm doing wrong.:down:
Export doesn't usually crash... so the quick things to check:
- Make sure you installed the right version: the 32-bit plugin won't work under 64-bit Carrara, and vice-versa.
- Only vertex models and basic primitives can be exported: not trees, terrain, fire, ocean, plants, splines, hair, or metablobs.
- Only one object can be exported at a time (though you should get a different message if you tried to select an entire group)
I have an update I'm trying to get ready, but life has gotten in the way the last few weeks - I'll try to get that finished this evening.
Edit: Carrara 7, too? Can you check your model for stray/disconnected vertices. Also make sure it is uv-mapped properly (not blank, or all crowded up in a corner).