Need any clear tutorial about making JCMs in DS 4.9

Hi to all. I need some help about making JCM and MCM correctives for Genesis 3 in DAZ Studio 4.9, because the only existing tutorial  is Creating Joint Controlled Morphs (WIP) from Documentation, which is outdated long ago and miss some important details. It mentioned the old Property Editor Pane, which is no more in the newer DS versions. I found the Property Hierarchy and Parameters Tab (Edit Mode) do work instead of this old panel, but the rest of the tutorial seems to be outdated too. In particular, I try to make several JCMs for the transferred Michael 6 body shape (transferred to Genesis 3 Male) and cannot make these JCMs to work along with that body morph and with native Genesis 3 JCMs. As an example, I set Michael 6 Body morph to 100%, bend Left Collar to 50 degrees up and import a slightly enhanced JCMM6CollarUpL, according to the first part of that tutorial. What should I do next to turn on this morph automatically when Michael 6 Body is 100%, the bending value is 50 and the native JCM for the left collar is on? After all my attempts to drag the morph slider under appropriate lines in Property Hierarchy lead to nothing so far - I don't know how to make ERC freeze for all these options in the new JCMM6CollarUpL morph. So it doesn not follow the bending collar.  Definetely, there is a need in the more detailed step-by-step tutorial for DAZ Studio 4.9. What should I do in the Property Hierarchy to set up all these options for a JCM correctly and how to freeze them before saving a JCM for G3F or G3M?

The same is true about MCM (Morph controller morphs) - is there any significant changes in DS 4.9, in comparison to the old tutorial?

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