Interface layout
I don't know, if this has already been asked here... but is it possible to change the interface skin?
I really really really love Daz Studio! It is a great program and I does (almost) everything I need for creating 3d figures but, I don't find the interface very good looking. Why does everything have to be huge and bold and pseudo-3d... The huge buttons, the taps, the size of the tool/panes. I have to scroll ages to find the slider I need while experimenting with morphs/poses for instance.
I looked into the folders of Daz Studio and I found, that you use something like a XML to define the interface so it should be possible to change the layout and with some trial-and-error I could change the panes maybe. but is it also possible to change the buttons and sliders? I would like to make everything smaller, tidier and more handy and making it look less like a lego-toy or something...
This would really help me
Thank you
Experiment with menu options in Window>Workspace and Window>Style.
I use:
Window>Workspace>Select Layout>City Limits
Window>Style>Select Style>Highway
Window>Workspace>Orient tabs along top.
Yes I tried them. Highway fits me most, but there are still possible improvements. (Best would be if I could get the old DAZ3 interface - I really liked that the most)
You can of course move panes around as you wish, and you can edit the menus and toolbars (and if desired enable or add tabs) using Window>Workspace>Customise
Richard, is there a way to add to the tabs on the activities bar? If there is, I can't seem to figure it out.
You need to enable tabs, or activities, under the tab list then right-click on an existing activity to add a new one.
I would just like some larger fonts. Even the largest default is a bit too small.
But with customize I can only select the tools and stuff I want to display but not the look of the interface itself. For instance the huge sliders, I want to make them small and tiny, to have more on one screen. Or the amount I can slide the sidebars to the side, they are limited what makes the workspace smaller (especially when one works with multi-view-layout: left right top perspective). It would be better if I get a scrollbar when elements are too big to be displayed instead of limiting the size of the whole sidebar. Or the font of the sliders-description, I only see "Someth..." and so on.
Try through the menu "Windows" -> "Style" -> "Select style" -> "Darkside". That is about as close to DS3 as you can get look-wise. You can still the orient the e.g tabs as you see fit and like it was mentioned above.
Thank you, its a bit too dark for me, but i can get used to it. At least the sliders look better now, thats not much but good already.
The colours can be adjusted, Window>Style>Customise colours..., though care needs to be taken as you can lose elements that way as the contrast drops.
When I added a tab, I can't seem to dock any panes in the new activity tab... :( Anyone know how to dock and undocked pane?
pane = tab
pane group = contena (I call so)
usually,, we can drug and drop each tab anywher we want.
drop tab on another pane group(contena), the tab dock to the contena.
when drop tab on another area,, it become new undocked contena.
we can drug the undocked contena (tab group) to side or top or bottom.
but docked contena can not move.
you can undockable tab or contena
by r-click tab or tab option menu
it Make separate window type contena.
if hope to joint window again,, I need to drug one tab of the window then drop off out of window,,
it make new undocked contena. then drug the contena to border area to make docked contena.
it is all.
Yes thank you, I just saw that. The Darkside-View is almost perfect. Just a little caveat remains that is the size of the panes that can not be resized unlimited but at some point stop and you can only fold them completely. I think that can only be bypassd with using a second monitor where you can undock the tabs and put them on the second screen to have the full view.
The main point was the slider-size as I have as much as possible on one view so that I can work quickly tweaking different sliders for morphs and poses.
Something I recently discovered is that the minimum size of the panes varies from pane to pane.
For example, if I have only the Scene pane docked to the left side of the screen, I can make it very narrow. However if I drag the Smart Content pane to the left side too, suddenly all panes on the left side become stuck at 3 times wider. Should you choose to use panes on both side of the screen, keeping smaller panes on one side and larger panes on the other can give you a more viewport space.