JCM's morphs in Daz

Can anybody help me in my question? I made several JCM's morphs for dress: Left Thigh Bend forward and Left Thigh Bend side, now I want to create another morph-Left Thigh BendUpSide, but I can not do it, because the morph Left Thigh Bend forward changed with mistakes

1 photo-till new morph

2 photo-what I want

3 photo-after new morph

1920 x 1080 - 250K
pGtKM3cJPgc (1).jpg11111111111111111.jpg
1920 x 1080 - 241K
1920 x 1080 - 246K


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,838

    Are you wanting to remove the previous JCM, or are you wanting it for some situations and not for others?

  • meseasis2meseasis2 Posts: 11

    No, I don't want to remove the previous JCM, I just want to combine in one JCM-Left Thigh BendUpSide two positions-when the left thigh is bending up and side, but when I do it, my first JCM morph is changing for the worse like in the third image

  • meseasis2meseasis2 Posts: 11

    may be I do something wrong when I add a morph...

    meseasis2 said:

    No, I don't want to remove the previous JCM, I just want to combine in one JCM-Left Thigh BendUpSide two positions-when the left thigh is bending up and side, but when I do it, my first JCM morph is changing for the worse like in the third image


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,838

    So you have two bends - side-to-side and bend - and want a JCM for oen alone and a HCM for both? That's not impossible but isn't the usual way to work - usually a JCM will be controlled by one bend, at least primarily.

  • meseasis2meseasis2 Posts: 11

    If you know, tell me please, what should be done for it? How I must ERC freeze my morph?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,838

    I'm not sure that this kind of set-up could be automated - I suspect you would need to manually apply offsets, possibly using extra hidden properties to provide cosntant inputs or intermediate steps. Why are you wanting to do this in this way? Have you considered adding one or more custom bones to the skirt, bones not found in the base figure?

  • meseasis2meseasis2 Posts: 11

    I'm not sure that this kind of set-up could be automated - I suspect you would need to manually apply offsets, possibly using extra hidden properties to provide cosntant inputs or intermediate steps. Why are you wanting to do this in this way? Have you considered adding one or more custom bones to the skirt, bones not found in the base figure?

    I am just learning all these and don't know how to add bones to the skirt
    Thank you for comment:)

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