Import object size


I have been experimenting with different types of object imports into Carrara. One odd thing is often I import an object ( different file formats) and I see a large "Box" of where the object should be.

Now I've had some sucess with obj, 3ds, and FBX. But often I get an object with crazy huge NEGATIVE number for size. Even if I increase the size I don't see it.

I have had no luck importing DXF, and can't seem to get eps to work in spline model room. Any tips?

Thank you



  • DUDUDUDU Posts: 1,945

    Any problem to import .obj and .3DS but .fbx never work for me (a"large box",like you), it is on my scene but I can't see it.

    Never tried .DXF.

  • The FBX import in Carrara is from the times before they invented the wheel so don't expect it to work with anything but very simple stuff (square things ;)


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