help 4.8 vs 4.9

Try to keep this simple, have both 4.8 and 4.9 installed.

I use 4.8 mostly, more importantly it has the Zbrush plugin that works great for me.

(please don't mention about reinstalling plugin to 4.9, everything works great as is ......until now.The workflow of DAZ to Zbrush is extremely important)

Two days ago to become more familiar with 4.9 I started a scene, became more involved than I had planned.

Became worth a lot more than  I thought

Forgot I was using 4.9.

Got to a stage I need to send to Zbrush, no plugin..understand that.


Tried to open scene in Daz 4.8, never gets to the scene. encounters errors with bug message before scene even opens.


Can anyone tell me how to get the scene that was saved in 4.9 to open in 4.8?

Has anyone else experience this?

If there is a minor setting in the scene will alter it to fit 4.8

Both programs use the same runtimes, figures, etc

Have to keep setup and plugins same.

Thank you!!!!!


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841

    Scenes should generally be backwards compatible - what errros were you getting? What content is used in the scene? Are you sure the content directories match between the two versions?

  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589

    As we say in the trade good news and bad news.

    Was finally able to open in 4.8,sent morph to Zbrush, sent back, all is well.

    Now while still in 4.8 tried a render ( to be honest my scenes are usually rendered in KeyShot, but scrap done in

    Daz)  Whatever I tried to do in render setting crashed the program, was able to export before crash.

    Am attaching error message and screen print of figure, due to NDA restrictions cannot show face (Morph)

    Everything is standard, material, figure ( g3 male) hair is variation of  "Miles Hair"

    Truly understand limitations in the problem set by me.

    I have established a truly workable pipeline with Daz 4.8, Zbrush,KeyShot,Photoshop (little bit Maya).

    Things that rattle the staus quo unnerve me.

    Only good news is that this might be a fluke, as mentioned should be backward compatable.

    I can basicaly guarantee it will not happen again.

    For me Daz 4.9 has always been a pain in the ass

    Thank you again for your help.



    error message.jpg
    546 x 497 - 74K
    screen print.jpg
    593 x 639 - 62K
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841

    Sorry, there's not - at least for me - enough information to offer any sesnible suggestions there.

  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589

    Richard, no apologies needed, thank you for your help as usual.

    Notice the long list of people offering suggestionssmiley

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Open a ticket to Technical Support and attach the crash log.

  • stump3point1stump3point1 Posts: 139
    Is the data folder for your library the same for 4.8 and 4.9? If not your scene won't load correctly. I found this out myself maintaining seperate library's I was not able to open scenes from previous versions without popups of missing content or plugin errors. 4.9 is set to it's own library and doesn't search beyond that like it used too before 4.9. It was a lot easier before when it allowed you to search for missing content beyond runtimes but it seems that feature has been dropped in favor of closed content management. Hopefully a fix will come along. If not hopefully you can find the problem.
  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589

    Many thanks stump (?).

    Both programs make use or exactly same files.

    Am aware that certain items and tools not made for 4.8 would not have used them.

    This scene although complicated to some extent, made use of the basic items.

    What was rattling was that for about 12 times in row scene would not open at all.

    Got lucky one time, scene opened, morph created ok saved scene then tried to render. Render did

    not even start, error message.

    Then same scenario, would not open in 4.8.

    As I mentioned do not really use 4.9, but with ever increasing things made just for that, thought

    I had better get used to it.

    Taught me a lesson

    Thanks again for your time


  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,956

    THis normally only effects saving a file but do you have identical authorship info in both versions?

  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589


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