Missing part of the content Library


Somehow I must have pressed something, and now everything in the content library is showing without the  Alphabet letter in the front.

How do I get that main indez back with the letters in the front,  




  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    edited May 2017

    Can you post a screenshot so we can see what you see?

    Can you see the word Products with a triangle to the left of it? If so, click on that triangle. The triangle should change from pointing right to pointing down, and you should see all of the alphabet with triangles next to each letter. Clicking any of those triangles should show you all the products with names starting with that letter.

    Post edited by barbult on
  • pkappeteinpkappetein Posts: 506

    This is what I get now.

    empty, and when i search the results.

    Missing the 



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  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    edited May 2017

    It looks like the left half of the Content Library has been collapsed. Can you find a little tiny triangle on the left side of the area you have captured in your screenshot? I don't see it in your attachment, but maybe you just didn't capture that area. This tiny triangle will be halfway down vertically and way on the left. Click on it to expand that section again.


    Content Library Collapsed.jpg
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    Post edited by barbult on
  • pkappeteinpkappetein Posts: 506
    edited May 2017

    That was the whole box.  No Triangle etc.


    Clicked on the item on the right top, and in the dropbox box  Edit  Content Libary, then Daz will crash :/


    DAZStudio.exe caused ACCESS_VIOLATION in module "C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\DzCore.dll" at 0033:0000000022B53D70, DzAbstractAssetContainer::canModAssets()

    Crash seems to happen since that list is empry, once I search, then it works.   And the report bug option gives me a 404 page error for the site.

    anyways,, back to square 1 :(

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    Post edited by pkappetein on
  • 3Ddreamer3Ddreamer Posts: 1,318

    I think you have a Filter on. In the first picture Ward is in the search box, and the latest Home. Try clearing the and see if that brings things back.

  • pkappeteinpkappetein Posts: 506

    Doesn't matter.

    if there is no filter, the screen is empty.

    I just used a filter to see if an arow would show on the left side

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    I'm not sure what you are referring to by "the item on the right top". I can't find anything that produces a dropdown box with "Edit Content Library". I see "Content DB Editor", but that didn't cause a crash for me.

    The link to report bugs has been broken for ages. They never fix it, for some reason. To report a bug use the help request link. You can find that on the website under the Help:Contact Us section.

    Back to your original issue: Try reapplying your screen layout. in Daz Studio, go to Window:Workspace:Select Layout... Choose the one you usually use, or any of them, for that matter. See if that fixes the problem.

  • pkappeteinpkappetein Posts: 506

    Yeah, that fixed it.

    Now putting everything back in place where I had it.


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872


    After you get your layout back to the way you like it, save it (Window:Workspace:Save Layout As...). Then you can reload your custom layout later and not have to recreate it again.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    So OP alredy have found way, but  if it  happen again, you try , simply click the closed bar (as Chohole already suggested,,) , then upper hidden parts open again.

    Actually it often happen, without intention. and usually forget ,how to correct it.

      see my pic. most of case, it happen without intention, but sometimes we may hope to close upper section.


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  • pkappeteinpkappetein Posts: 506

    Thanks, I figured that out as well.  But I don't normally have those items all the way at the left.

    Normally it looks like this for me



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  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

     I see, so you prefer to use "View side by side" option  of Content library.smiley   I prefer "View as list" out of habit ,,


  • pkappeteinpkappetein Posts: 506

     I see, so you prefer to use "View side by side" option  of Content library.smiley   I prefer "View as list" out of habit ,,


    .... had no clue... learned something  ..  Thanks :)

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I haven't figured out how anyone can stand to not have all their tabs on the top lol.  The side view makes me a wee bit nauseous.

  • pkappeteinpkappetein Posts: 506

    So you use no tabs at all?

    I don't like the top tabs, cause then I can't see what I am placing or doing..   so have them on the side lol


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