converting V5 translucency and subsurface scatering maps to V4
Hi all,
I was wondering, is there a way to convert translucency maps and SSS maps made for V5 to V4?
I want to combine a diffuse map and a bump map that was made for V4 with a SSS map and a translucency map that was made for V5...
So far it does not add up... If I specify the UV mapping as V4 based, the diffuse and the bump map show up correctly, but the SSS and translucency come out all weird, if I specify the UV mapping as V5 based, it's the other way around....
How do I fix this?
Thanks a lot,
In short you can't. V5 and V4 use totally separate UV mappings, so you can't take specular maps from V4 and use it with V5 diffuse or vice versa. You'd have to entirely remap one of the textures to fit one model or the other, rather than trying to use both.
HeraldOfFire is right. usually it can not work,,
but have you tried Map transfer?
before I bought Wet body, it use specular map for V4 uv map.
I hope some specular map to use for S5 and V5,
I serched way,, but I could not find it.
after that, I find Map transfer (one of tool ds) , then I tried it.
it seems work well (not perfect,, but useful, because I can apply wet-body for S5 texture.
I believe,, Map transfer may work V5 to V4.
eg I apply wet body 1 base perset (it apply specular map) to genesis face part ,, with stephanie 5uv and stephanie5 texture..
it never work well (pic1) (you can see,, clear,, specular map not fit to S5 uv)
then I change only specular map which transfered to S5map from V4 by map transfer.
how do you think?
Map Tranfer will do this for you. There is a tutorial on this at Depending on your machine, it can take quite a while for it to complete. Also, one must take care in selecting the folder that the converted maps will be saved. It is very easy to overwrite existing maps...
Yes,, I make new folda under /runtime/texture/uvmaps/V5uv (S5uv M5uv) etc. it must need,,
new template are saved in these folda.
and all transfered textures are saved in the template.
I felt, making template one by one which use same texture only, works better than transfer all surface of genesis at same time.
this you tube tutorial is for ds3, but it may useful too.
map transfer ds3
(in this tutorial,, trasfer all surface group at same time,,but as for me,, it seems not work well,
and It make difficult when serch the transfered map which I need only)
if, the material preset, use same translucency maps texture and SSS map texture for (1_Lip, 1_ skinface (1_nostril) )
you need only set "1_sikinface" surface group for template 1
and you can remove diffuse or bump texture I think.
make new template-2 for (2_torso) only apply SSS map, and tranlucency map
then apply material preset which you want to use for genesis,with UV sets which fit to the preset,
then exchange only SSS map and Translucency map . hope it may work for you too.