Saving Objects

Okay, this is a real basic question...
I have an object which is just an unrigged .obj in my scene. It has a child .obj, and it started life by being imported from Blender where it was generated. Now I like how I've arranged the object in D|S, with all the textures and such, and I want to duplicate it in the scene and also save it for re-use in other scenes. But that's turning out to be a big issue.
I've tried selecting the object(s), then Create/New Node Instance, but that merges the two objects into one, which I don't want. I'd love to be able to just drag-n-drop it into my library so I can drag-n-drop it into this or other scenes.
And to save it for future use, I tried File/Save As/Support Asset/Figure Prop Asset, but it does the same thing and merges the two objects.
So I guess I have two questions:
1. How do I simply duplicate and family of objects in my scene?
2. How do I save those objects for future use?
Edit>Duplicate>Duplicate Node Hierarchy should let you make a copy, File>Save as>Support Asset>Scene Asset(s) should let you save the set (or you could save each as a prop asset and then save a Scene Subset with both together)
EXCELLENT !!!! I've been pulling what's left of my hair out over this since yesterday, and it's so simple. Thanks much !!!!
Okay, a couple more questions regarding saving stuff like scene props in my library...
I have a non-rigged prop in my scene, let's say it's a building. I want to save it in the Smart Content/Props/Architecture library. So I go to File/Save As/Support Asset/Figure/Prop Asset/, and in the Metadata I select "Set Category", and choose Default/Props/Architecture.
Now that puts my prop in the correct location, BUT...
1. It doesn't have the cool "Prop" tag in the upper right corner. How do I get that tag?
2. And also, my biggest question, what lighting is used in building the icon/thumbnail? Is it the render camera headlamp? Or the Perspective View lighting (whatever that is, and I have no clue), or some other lighting?
Now I noticed there is a 3rd party Thumbnail Mastery product, is that what I need to make this happen?
Ahhh...I answered the first question...I not only needed to select Metadata/Set Category, but also needed to select "Content Type" as Props. That gives the cool "Prop" tag...
But the lighting is still a mystery
Okay, I'm getting closer with the lighting question...
First, it appears that when you re-save a prop using that method, the icon doesn't get refreshed in your library even if you right click and select Refresh, or if you choose another directory then re-select the prop directory. You have to close and re-load DAZ Studio.
And it seems you need to remove all lights in the scene first, or else the thumbnail shows the object as all black. So how do you get a nice textured view?
And hold on....if I save the prop using that method, then find it in the library and try to load it into a new scene, all that gets loaded into the scene is...nothing. It's listed as a node in the scene, but there's nothing there. Maybe a prop can't have multiple parented/grouped objects?
I'm confused...
The nice thumbnails on store items are rendered images used in place of the OpenGL render geenrated by DS.
I have just made a small light bar using the New Primitive and I have changed the Parent all on to one object and I tryed saying it has a prop but when I load it back in it only shows the base part that i have everything parent to
The figure/prop asset saves only the seelcted item - try Scene Assets for your model.