gen4 face emotions to genesis?

ssweetessweete Posts: 115
edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion

does this work with the genx plugin?
as genesis doesn't have many emotions especially for free out there was wondering about all those gen4 ones i got..



  • dyretdyret Posts: 184
    edited December 1969

    yes they do work with Genesis. I have in fact transferred most of the v4 morphs. But characters wich are only face morphs found in the "head" in the poser runtime doesn't seem to transfer at all.

  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited December 1969

    you should assign those morphs to your pose controls if you can. They'll be easier to manage.

  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001
    edited October 2016

    If the gen4 are just presets of morph dials it's easy to transfer them for use with Genesis.

    As an example, the Freak 4 Pro bundle came with a set of expressions located in Poser Formats>My Library>Expressions>Daz's Freak 4

    To transfer them to Genesis I performed these steps.

    1. Transfer M4 Morphs ++ , M4 base and F4 base morphs with GenX to get the individual morph dials to Genesis.
    If you need assistance with this holler, but you've probably done this or know how is my guess.
    2. Click on the Presets tab in GenX.
    a. Click on Add Pose button and navigate to Runtime>Libraries>face>Daz's Freak 4.
    b. Shift-select all of the morphs .fc2 expression presets in the folder, click on Open.
    c. Back to the Presets tab, change Figure to Michael 4.
    d. Click on the Path button and select a folder to save the converted presets to a folder of your choosing in DAZ Studio Formats>My Library somewhere. In the file window, you can create new folders if necessary.
    e. On the Translate: line, enable the Morphs check box.
    f. Click on the Translate button to convert the presets to .duf format to your target folder.
    3. To test, load up a fresh Genesis and apply the Freak 4 shape.
    4. Navigate to where you saved the expressions and double click on one of the converted presets!

    In the attached picture, I applied preset F4F_006 and if you look at the Parameter tab you can see various expression dials that have been dialed. Be sure to apply the !Zeroed pose before applying a different expression.

    Edit 10/22/2016: Corrected step 2b
    Edit 10/22/2016: Added pic of GenX/GenX2 tab

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    Post edited by Lindsey on
  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214

    Reviving old thread, sorry.  Wondering if you have to do each expression separate or if you can do all at once?

  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001
    Kharma said:

    Reviving old thread, sorry.  Wondering if you have to do each expression separate or if you can do all at once?

    In Step 2 you click on the Add Pose button to add expressions (.fc2 files) into GenX window.  All of the presets you add into that window, either selecting one by one, alt-select or shift-select to select multiple presets, they will all be converted into the single folder path you specify.  Normally I would do a folder (product) of morphs at a time, but that dosen't prevent you from converting expression presets from different folders into one target folder.  Note that you do tell GenX the original figure shape of the expression presets in the Shape drop down setting, so if you're converting different expression presets from different folders they should be from the same figure shape.

  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214

    THanks for the info Lindsey and the awesome step by step :)

  • ScavengerScavenger Posts: 2,674

    Necrothreading.. I don't understand what step 1 is/means....
    but I suspect it's why I've been failing to get things to work...

  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001

    The Gen 4 morphs that are used in the Gen 4 expression/emotion presets need to exist on the Genesis figure(s) pool of morphs.  The Gen4 expression/emotion presets that you transfer will be looking for them.

  • ScavengerScavenger Posts: 2,674

    But isn't that what i'm trying to do? Get the expressions into Genesis (well G2F)?

  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001

    Typically, the Gen4 expressions/emotions are just presets (dial spins) of head mophs from the base morphs packs.  Load a base Gen4 figure without any morphs applied, apply the emotion/expression preset and go to the Paramters tab, go to the Currently Used parameter group and see what morph dials are used.  Those are the Gen4 morphs you need to move over to the Genesis figure you're creating the emotion/expression presets for.  They could be custom face morphs, too

  • ScavengerScavenger Posts: 2,674

    Ok..I think I'm getting it... how do I move the Gen4 morphs (like ++ or elite? ) over?

  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001
    edited May 2016

    You need GenX2 perferably or the original GenX that transfers morphs to Genesis only.  I don't currently have GenX2 working as I have started with a clean install with DAZ Connect installed content with 4.9, which makes the current version of GenX2 inoperable.  Here's a link to the GenX2 manual.  Google genx2 tutorial for some video tutorials.

    Post edited by Lindsey on
  • ScavengerScavenger Posts: 2,674
    edited May 2016

    I have GenX2...I can move v4 characters over, and that does well..but how do I do the extra morph packs?

    EDIT: ah..seeing a section in the tut now... let's see :)

    Post edited by Scavenger on
  • ScavengerScavenger Posts: 2,674

    OOOH...thru the power of Lindsey, it's now working! WOOO!

  • yagakisanyagakisan Posts: 65
    edited October 2016

    Hi, I didn't understand the first step too...
    I have Gen2x, here are my steps:

    1- in the Transfer Tab, I load the basic V4 figure (Source > Victoria 4.2)
    2- I load also V4 Base and Morphs++ (Apply pose > INJ Base V4.pz2; > INJ Morphs++ V4.pz2); Now I can see in the panel "BODY, abdomen, chest, head, hip, lHand, neck, fHand".
    3- I move to the Presets tab and click on Add Pose: I select all the files in a V4 faces folder (.fc2). I can see the expression name in the panel.
    4- Still in the Presets tab, I change the Shape to Victoria 4 and Target to Genesis 2 Female.
    5- The Morphs check in the Translate option is already checked.
    6- I change my Preset folder to the one I need and click on Translate

    After this, I obtain all the expressions but when I try to apply them to my G2F character it changes shape to V4 without any facial expression at all...

    What am I doing wrong?




    btw, when I finish I have the error message attached, but I don't know how to add those DSF...

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  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001
    edited October 2016

    The .fc2 files are just preset parameter "dial spins".  What you need to do is transfer the V4 morphs that the .fc2 presets are looking for.  Looking at my V4 injection pose folder I see a INJ Facial Expressions For V4.pz2.  I would trasfer those over to Genesis with GenX2, then try the converted .fc2 files on Genesis.  What I did is transfer the complete V4 Morphs ++ package over to Genesis.

    Post edited by Lindsey on
  • Thanks for the reply, I tried again but I don't have that "INJ Facial Expressions for V4.pz2".

    I understood how expressions work, but still I can't export them... For what I can see the morphs they use are part of V4 Base morphs and in your tutorial you mentioned to load M4 Base, M4 Morphs++ and F4, so I imagine is the same with V4.
    Is my workflow right at least?
    A video tutorial should be great, but I think I'm just missing something...

  • Ok, if I transfer a single morph it works: in Transfer tab, I load V4 as source with V4 Base, I apply the expression (apply pose) and then I transfer as I do for characters.

    So the problem is not in my files, I just want to know how to transfer all the expressions as described here, but when I try I have that error message.

  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001
    edited October 2016

    What product are the .fc2 files coming from?  If I have it, I can test the expression preset/morph transfer and provide a workflow.

    Edit: Better to list a few products with expressions you'd like to transfer for a better chance that I have a product to test that you have.

    Post edited by Lindsey on
  • I've tried with "catfight" and "i13 emotional".
    Single transfer OK, if I select even one item in Preset tab I get the error.

  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001

    It would help to have product links please... more the merrier...  Can be V4, M4, F4 or even K4 products.

  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001

    Sorry, don't have either.  My content is mostly purchased from Daz3d.  Do you have any expression products from Daz3d for any Gen4 figure?

  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001
    edited October 2016

    I checked the readme's for those two products and they only require V4 Base.  I checked and it does include morph files.  I would apply the Pose>DAZ's Victoria 4>Morph Injections>INJ Base V4.pz2 and transfer all of them over to Genesis. 

    After they are transferred, I would expect your Rendo expression product's Genesis converted .fc2 files should work.

    Post edited by Lindsey on
  • Sorry I don't have :(

    At this point my questions are two:

    - is my workflow ok? I still didn't understant what the 1 step of your tutorial means...

    - why I get that error exporting the files? I searched for those names without success, but I don't know why if I transfer a single expression it works...

  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001
    edited October 2016

    Here is a Step by Step on Step 1, Transfer V4 base morphs to Genesis:

    1. Open GenX2
    2. Click on Load Figure, select Victoria 4.2.cr2 in Figures>DAZ People
    3. Click on Apply Pose, select INJ Base V4.pz2 in Pose>DAZ's Victoria 4>Morph Injections.
    4. Mode: Selected morphs then go to Select Button: Select: Transfer: All On
    5. Shape: Victoria 4
    6. Target: Genesis
    7. Output folder: enable the check box
    8. Click on the Path and select your Genesis' morph folder. Mine is: E:/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis/Base/Morphs/D3D Gen X

    Transfer to a folder within the data/DAZ 3D/Genesis/Base/Morphs folder as it's easier to remove them if you need to remove some or all of the transferred morphs.

    9. I leave everything else at the default setting.  See attached pic.
    10. Finally click the Tranfsfer button.
    11. Now load a FRESH Genesis figure (not a pre-saved figure).
    12. To check for the transferred expression morphs,
          Select Genesis, go to the Parameters tab and select Actor>Head>Generation X>Victoria 4 and you should see lots of morphs.
    13. Now try your converted to Genesis .fc2 presets on Genesis.

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    Post edited by Lindsey on
  • yagakisanyagakisan Posts: 65
    edited October 2016

    Thank you a lot for this step by step tutorial, but for what I can see this is the procedure I use for the single morphs.
    In the oldest tutorial you talked about going on Preset tab and selecting all the morphs from there, then "c. Back to the Presets tab, change Figure to Michael 4.": did you meant "back to Transfer tab" instead?

    I'm just rendering a scene then I'll give a try :)



    Nothing, it doesn't work.

    Post edited by yagakisan on
  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001

    b. Shift-select all of the morphs in the folder, click on Open.

    Should read:

    b. Shift-select all of the morphs .fc2 expression presets in the folder, click on Open.

    I'll update the tutorial... thanks..


  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001
    edited October 2016

    yagakisan said:

    Thank you a lot for this step by step tutorial, but for what I can see this is the procedure I use for the single morphs.
    In the oldest tutorial you talked about going on Preset tab and selecting all the morphs from there, then "c. Back to the Presets tab, change Figure to Michael 4.": did you meant "back to Transfer tab" instead?

    I'm just rendering a scene then I'll give a try :)

     If you don't want to transfer all of the V4 Base morphs, just transfer all of the Expression morphs in the Head section, or make of the list of the missing expression morphs when you apply the converted .fc2 files and only transfer those V4 expression morphs. 

    Edit: eh.. I just checked the morphs that came with V4 base and they are all Expression morphs with the exception of 2 body morph, so you might as well just send them all over to Genesis, or uncheck the two morphs showing under Body if you don't want to transfer those.  You're call.

    Post edited by Lindsey on
  • yagakisanyagakisan Posts: 65
    edited October 2016

    OK I almost get it!

    Sorry, my bad: I didn't read that I have to save FIRST the single morphs to DATA folder, and then do the rest...

    Now I still get the error when I translate my list of expressions, I try to apply them to my new G2F character but she changes her body shape!
    The expression anyway is CORRECT.

    I made the step 1 unchecking the BODY>MaleBody and >MaleBody NoScale checkboxes, so I don't know why the body changes.




    The last problem was the check on "Include > Shaping morphs" in the Presets tab!
    I retried unchecking it and now my poor girl doesn't became androgynous!

    Thank you very much for you support, you literally made me save dozens of hours converting the old expressions!

    Post edited by yagakisan on
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