Bryce crashes when adding 2d pict as gel to spotlights - all pictures are blue

edited December 1969 in Bryce Discussion

Hi all!

Having lots of problems with Bryce 7.1 on a Mac running Os X 10.6.8 - as far as I can tell in 32 bit mode. (Mac Book Pro)

1. The Image (2d Pict) library is acting abnormally. All images I try to import get a blue tint. Sometimes it Bryce crashes while trying to import an image, and it doesn't seem to care what format the image is in.

2. Bryce ALWAYS crashes if I try to apply an image (again via the unstable image library) as a gel to any lighting.

3. Another problem I've had for years actually is crashing related to animating any feature of lighting. It doesn't like that AT ALL!

Any and all suggestions are accepted with thanks!



  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited February 2013

    Yes, the import image to image library is broken in the most recent Mac version of Bryce.

    The easiest workaround for the problem is to apply the picture to a primitive block or sphere in another 3D app (Daz Studio, Poser etc and there's no need to place it carefully, just slap it on any old how) and save the block as an .obj file (into the same folder as the picture you have applied).

    Then import the object into Bryce and the picture will import fine along with the block or sphere and be available to select from your picture library in the material editor to apply to whatever you wish to apply it to. Then you can simply delete the imported block/sphere and you're done.

    Can't help you with the crashing animated lighting as it's not a problem I've come across. Lighting has always animated OK for me.

    Hope this helps.

    Post edited by Dave Savage on
  • dyretdyret Posts: 182
    edited December 1969

    There is a bug in the mac version .If you have an earlier version of Bryce you could make your scene in that and open it in B7 and have all the nice new features.

  • edited December 1969

    That was an incredibly fast reply! Thanks. Before I received it I tried an existing pict library (2d texture list) from Bryce 6, and it worked importing without the blue tint, however crashed all the same when I attempted to apply one of the images to another object. Any plans of Daz fixing this? Thanks again!


  • dyretdyret Posts: 182
    edited December 1969

    lol. cross post

  • edited December 1969

    Dyret means animal where I come from... does that mean you're in the neighborhood? : )


  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited December 1969

    Did it also crash in Bryce 6?
    Maybe the pictures you are using are just too big.
    In most cases high resolution pictures are not necessary as the picture only has to be at the correct resolution at the physical size it will be when applied to the object.

    You could try saving the object into your object library in Bryce 6 and then dragging the .obp into your Bryce 7 user/objects folder.

    Bryce does strange things to pictures uncompressing them and then using it's own compression system. A Bryce native .obp may be more stable than an .obj with a .jpg applied.

    Bryce only has access to 2gb of RAM and does everything in this memory, if you're running at the edges of that memory allocation you will have more crashes.

    ETA: No plans for Daz to fix it... Or at least no time scale been given for when it will be fixed.

  • zroqzroq Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    there is even a much easier way than importing object files with just 1 jpg each time.

    to skip the bug with the blue colours in jpg import do as follows :

    just use any other bryce version that you can find such as the free bryce 5.5 , or any pc version.
    and import all your hundreds of own JPG' that you would like to use in the materials lab.
    there you can export your imported jpgs as a list
    and this list you can import in bryce 7 without problems

    it seems Bryce 7 Mac doesn't make a blue bug problem when you import your jpgs in a list in the material lab.

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