Exchanging data with Poser [yet again]....

YofielYofiel Posts: 204
edited December 1969 in Carrara Discussion

I make an array of 50 spheres with Inagoni replicator. After exporting the group to OBJ and 3DS formats, and importing to Poser 2010, it positions everything correctly but creates a single prop out of it. I wanted to shade the spheres separately so I can see all the Shaders. So I export to Collada format, and import that to Poser. Now all the spheres as separate props, so they can be shaded with Poser shaders, but the position data is lost, and it centers all of them in exactly the same place no matter what option I choose. DAZ Studio 4.5.156 imports the Carrara file properly) However, no matter what options I choose when exporting from DAZ Studio, file Poser sees has the same problems. So I give up and position the spheres manually in Poser.

After exporting the same set of props from Poser 2010, no matter what options I've tried, Carrara hangs when it tries to import the fiile. Fortunately, now DAZ Studio import the Poser file and export a file which Carrara can open) However, whatever options I've tried, Poser procedural textures and displacement maps are lost.

Is there a way I can get data between Carrara and Poser, without losing instance trees, shader trees, and position data?

Do I have to goi through DAZ Studio every time to get data from Poser into Carrara?

Can Carrara import procedural textures from other 3D apps?


  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311
    edited December 1969

    Hi emeyer :)

    1./ Is there a way I can get data between Carrara and Poser, without losing instance trees, shader trees, and position data?

    yes, but as you're discovering it depends on how the model is created,. and how it's prepared for export, and what format you select.

    for example, replicated objects can be converted to real objects, each one can have a different shader applied to it , and can be named differently. then exported as a unique part, (and will export / import in position)
    Multiple separate objects can be "Grouped", and exported as a single OBJ.

    OBJ , and most other "model" formats, are a single model file,. they're not animated, or rigged, and don't have any morphs.

    If you want the parts of a model to be movable,. or adjustable in a "posing" program like poser or DS, then you should prepare it as a model made of "parts". and export that model as parts,

    if you look at most multi-part models,. like a vehicle,. the body, door's and wheels are separate object files (OBJ) which are imported and arranged within poser,,to set up the joint constraints and parenting,. parts are parented together, and the model is saved as a Poser Prop,. or if bones are added,. it can be saved as a Poser Figure (CR2)

    Do I have to goi through DAZ Studio every time to get data from Poser into Carrara?#

    No. Carrara OBJ will open in Poser, or most other 3D programs. OBJ is the "default" or,. "most used" model format for poser models.

    Can Carrara import procedural textures from other 3D apps?

    Each programs shader engine is different, and so procedural shaders would need to be converted to images.
    Carrara has a full compliment of procedural shaders including environmental shaders.

    Procedural shaders form any 3D program don't work in the same way in any other 3D program,

    Hope it helps :)

  • YofielYofiel Posts: 204
    edited December 1969

    Aha ) Inagoni's replicator actually does create separate real named instances of an object, rather than repositioned virutal instances of the oneobject. I couldn't tell that from the Web page description either )

    So I'm trying first to export a group of named primitives. What I'm thinking eventuakly is to replace them with vertex objects representing, for example, a field of different flowers or trees. with subgroups which can be morphed seprately. For that it seems I do need to rig it somehow, but as it's not a human figure, I'm not sure how to go about it. What do I do?

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