Switching Hard Drives - Pros and Cons??

Due to extensive hard drive space required to download and utilize anything and everything Daz3D, my local C drive has now been dangerously limited.  However, my local D drive does have plenty and far more space available.  Is it wise to uninstall Daz3D from the C drive, first, then re-install it to the D drive; OR more importantly is there a way to just redirect or transfer program files from C drive to D drive without having to uninstall anything?  The dilemma being, I do have custom characters already made and saved to the C drive.  :/


Any recommendations or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.  Thank you!


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841

    How did you install the content (the application is fien where it is)?

  • Silver DolphinSilver Dolphin Posts: 1,620

    First move your my documents to secondary drive see this link >>>http://www.techsupportalert.com/content/how-move-windows-7-personal-folders-my-documents-another-drive.htm

    Now you can install to default location of my documents and DIM and Connect won't have a hissy fit. This should free up alot of space on your C: drive if you have alot of content.

  • You should be vary careful if you try the above, if you move the root document folder to another drive many other applications that rely on the documents folder may stop working, they often store the path to this or that in .INI files or other configuration files and they will go bonkers if things has been moved.


  • Thank you everyone for trying to help.  I followed the link above and moved My Documents and Downloads folders to the D drive as the step-by-step instructions suggested.  However, in the process I did manage to lose two of my purchased characters (which are no longer accessible for download via the Product Library) for some odd reason.  Also, I've lost all my custom characters, scenes and wearables as well.  As if this wasn't bad enough, any new character(s) I do make cannot be located, either.  Perhaps I've overlooked something? 

    Now, for my next question.  Can all of this moving and redirecting of file folders (aka paths) be reversed without further glitches (say, losing any more content)?  If so, is it possible that all my characters will be restored once all has been reverted? 

    Even though I've now managed to save space, I've decided to revert folders back to where they originally were and later buy a newer laptop for all things Daz3D...that is, if somehow I can manage to recoup my customized characters?  :/  In any event, this experience has been useful.  Now I know what to do, first and foremost, for whenever I do buy a new laptop -- redirect paths to the secondary drive, if not to an external TB hard drive – before doing anything else.

    Thank you, again, everyone.  I'm just thankful seeing as how not all was lost.  :) 

  • Well, forget that idea.  Whenever I use the "Restore Default" option in the Location tab (via Properties associated with the aforementioned folders) it says, "Access Denied."  Apparently, whenever I originally redirected these folders’ paths the "Previous Versions" (aka checkpoints needed to restore to default) have been erased. Oh well, the bridge has been burnt.  Only option now is to move forward...  Although, any advice or suggestions on how to fix or restore the lost two purchased characters and/or newer customized characters would be greatly appreciated.  For example, whenever I go to the Daz3D website to re-download those two characters I've bought it says file components are missing and cannot download.  Ironically, out of the 480 total contents I've accumulated, only the two have glitches.  Odd. 


    Thanks in advance.

  • Ron KnightsRon Knights Posts: 1,805

    I totally ignore DAZ's choices for installation. I never fiddle with the Documents folder, etc. I just create a folder on an external hard drive, and tell DAZ Install Manager to install all my content there. It's simple, and it works!

  • JamesJABJamesJAB Posts: 1,760

    If you manualy go into your old content location using windows explorer, you should be able to copy your entire content directory to another location.
    After that you can load Studio and tell it to look in the new location for your content.

  • Thank you all for your tips.  It helps to know about the varies ways to manage content.  Thankfully, I have found the two missing characters that I had originally bought and unbeknownst to me I had also lost – or thought I had lost – all gen2 and 3 head and body morphs, that is, until I found them hidden in an alias folder where the two characters had been automatically misplaced whenever I redirected the paths.  Now I know and knowing is half the battle.  The only thing I must do now is drag and drop said files into their appropriate locations so they can appear in Daz3D with all the other characters.  Although, I still haven’t found my customized characters, scenes and/or wearables I had made before I redirected the paths.  However, I’m still looking, so wish me luck!  :)

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