Novica & Forum Members Tips & Product Reviews Pt 9



  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874
    edited September 2017


    Hey, to start everyone's day off here's a LIVE video of the Soggy Dollar Bar, in the British Virgin Islands. Windy and balmy,  and to me, eerie. 

    EDIT: And here's the Weather Channel streaming on YouTube.  Remember, I have Roku, so I don't get this channel anymore. Glad I found it!

    EDIT: The eye of the hurricane is now only two and a half hours away from the British Virgin Islands, so that feed should get interesting before it gets knocked off air. (8:35am central time, so about 10:30am central it will hit) 

    Post edited by Novica on
  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,831

    I can tell you've been through these before Novica. I bet there will be many who aren't prepared by the time it hits.Hope it stays east of you and doesn't become one of those storms that hits twice.

  • L'Adair said:
    L'Adair said:

    I don't understand why owners let their dogs run free.  First of all, your dog could get hit by a car, and obviously, it could easily bite or kill other pets, or God forbid, a child.  I don't understand what is wrong with people!

    I had a dog who was part Malamute. My daughter had one of his litter mates. Those dogs would dig under the fence until they could wiggle out. In the end I had to chain them up when they were outside. One dog outside on the chain, one inside in the crate. Both inside in their crates at night. It wasn't a great existence for either one. Eventually my daughter moved and took her dog. Some months later, he jumped the fence and she never say him again. After I remarried, my husband and I dug a shallow trench under each of the fence sections and poured concrete; Actually bought a cement mixer so we could do it. But we had to keep the fence in top condition, as Sully would get his mouth around any small opening and eventually pull the board off and escape.

    We have cats and I used to keep the front window open about 4-inches so they could come and go as they pleased. A board screwed to the window sill prevented it opening more than that. One day, Sully got on the back of the couch and worked his head through. Standing on the back on his hind legs, he managed to get his shoulders through, and the rest of him followed in a heartbeat. I was in the room, saw him get up on the couch and ordered him to get off the furniture. He ignored me and I ran to grab him, but he was out before I could cross the room! And more than once, he all but knocked me or my husband down running out the front door, if it was open more than a few inches. Thankfully, he was a lover not a fighter. But I spent a lot of time chasing that dog through the neighborhood. Raw hamburger helped at first, after that, he'd ignore whatever treat I brough with me. Some animals just need to get out and run. Sully was better suited for a ranch than city life. (He was 12 when he passed away.)

    As for hurricanes, you folks are in my prayers. Please stay safe.

    The difference is, you did all you could to keep him from escaping, which makes you a responsible pet owner.  We see the same dogs loose day after day, usually pit bulls or pit mixes because owners are too damn lazy to put them on a leash and walk them to do their business.  We live in the city, a very busy road is half a block away.  Its these owners that I have a problem with.  Anyone's dog can get loose occaisionally, its the serial offenders I take offense to.  And, I don't blame the dogs for their nature either, but I do blame an owner who won't at least try and take good care of their dog(s)

    I agree completely. Owning a pet comes with responsibilities. And part of that is knowing what breed of dog you should get for your living situation. Sully was a mixed breed with malamute and german shepherd. The german shepherd would have been fine in the large fenced-in backyard. But I hadn't counted on the roaming nature of the 1/8 malamute being so strong in him. We had a little pomeranian, too. When she died, we said enough with the dogs. At least until we move, if we move.

    I did think the escape through the living room window was a funny anecdote, though. That's why I included the story. It's been 14 years since Sully passed, and I still miss him. Not the escaping, but the companionship. He was a really sweet animal. Protective, too. If you came into the yard and he didn't know you, look out.

    And in case you thought otherwise, I didn't take offense at your comment. I was just pointing out that some animals are quite resourceful at getting out of their yards! lol I wish I had video of some of the antics Sully and our other dogs got up to. I'm pretty sure I could win some money with America's Funniest Home Videos if I did.

    No offense taken!  Sully sounds like he was a great dog.  Despite his escape antics lol.

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    Dang, I was just watching the Weather Channel. Looks like Irma is going to hit every land mass in the area. 

  • NathNath Posts: 2,771

    Yeah, there are already confirmed deaths on St.Martin/St.Maarten and the other Leeward Islands, and the damage there looks utterly horrendous.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874
    edited September 2017
    Nath said:

    Yeah, there are already confirmed deaths on St.Martin/St.Maarten and the other Leeward Islands, and the damage there looks utterly horrendous.

    I'm wondering about the ham operators. Not a peep? 

    The barn owner feels so bad about turning down all the calls she is getting about boarding horses from South Florida. But as it is, we're taking the hay out of one stall, and turning the cross-tie grooming area into stalls, to take two more than "full barn." I've volunteered to share Stetson's pasture with two of the owner's horses (rotating them) so the horses coming in can be put outside some. We're still not 100% out of the woods yet so we have to take only enough horses that we can put inside, in case we get hit. The 175-225 mile AVERAGE error at day 4 and 5 still hasn't happened yet, so that would put it back on OUR coast. Geezus.

    It just so happens the poor weather folks are dealing with multiple troughs, a system big enough to pooh-pooh the environment and make a lot of its own- stacking the deck against a "firm path." They called days ahead of time that Houston was going to get 30" of rain and be the next stop after Harvey (and they nailed where that would go in a general vicinity, a couple days out too. It was upper Mexico/lower Texas/border area.) This is just too complicated. 

    BTW, it was discussed on the sale thread about Polish's items being pulled (the Viking sale- that hall and props) as they check out a few things, same with the Swiss room. As (wasn't it?) Jakiblue mentioned, that also happened with the Germany related product, regarding the flag or whatever. So you may or may not see those things back.

    Edit: Apparently the Weather Channel live stream was not from that network and has been removed.

    Post edited by Novica on
  • NathNath Posts: 2,771
    Novica said:
    BTW, it was discussed on the sale thread about Polish's items being pulled (the Viking sale- that hall and props) as they check out a few things, same with the Swiss room. As (wasn't it?) Jakiblue mentioned, that also happened with the Germany related product, regarding the flag or whatever. So you may or may not see those things back.

    And I think something else disappeared overnight. There was a swirling placeholder in my wishlist, and when it was gone my count was down by one. No idea what it might have been though.

    I wonder if those who bought them will get a heads up about the hall and props if they end up being pulled - I'd like to be able to decide whether or not to return it, based on what the issues might be.

  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,831

    Swiss Room appears to be back.

  • isidornisidorn Posts: 1,601
    RGcincy said:

    Swiss Room appears to be back.

    With a new poster on the wall. You can compare it with the one in the promo I posted a bit further up this thread.


    Nath said:

    I wonder if those who bought them will get a heads up about the hall and props if they end up being pulled

    I bought the bundle. Had no idea it got pulled until reading it here.

    Regarding Irma. Although a safe distance away from it, it's making the news here too. Apparently it's so violent, seismographs is picking it up. surprise

  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    I wonder what was wrong with the original poster? Not Swiss, so have no idea if anything was wrong with it.  

    isidorn said:
    RGcincy said:

    Swiss Room appears to be back.

    With a new poster on the wall. You can compare it with the one in the promo I posted a bit further up this thread.


    Nath said:

    I wonder if those who bought them will get a heads up about the hall and props if they end up being pulled

    I bought the bundle. Had no idea it got pulled until reading it here.

    Regarding Irma. Although a safe distance away from it, it's making the news here too. Apparently it's so violent, seismographs is picking it up. surprise


  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874
    edited September 2017

    Oh hey, take a look at this one- and the gallery images if you have Ati's app to see them. (Look at this one.) You can use that outfit as a swimsuit IMO. And put a bodysuit under it to make it family friendly/ change it up by hiding parts of the bodysuit for all kinds of combos. Femia Furens (Gen2/3F)  It's 70% with qualifying item.

    Edit: and I like the armbands/ gloves on Renegade Hunter, same thing with using a bodysuit. I forget though, how well does Genesis 2 clothing go onto Genesis 3? 

    Post edited by Novica on
  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281
    edited September 2017

    Does anyone have any experience with Dexsoft Games? their store is in the fastgrab section today, and I really like the look of their sci fi models, but I don't know if they are easy to use, have cutaway walls/ceilings etc, what the material zones are like (to do iray textures etc)

    edit: i noticed there are a few mentions of some of his stuff in this thread here (thanks to Ati's app wtih the links) - both Novica and Serene Night have posted they have some of his sets. What were your thoughts? Easy to iray? Make walls/ceilings invisible?

    Post edited by jakiblue on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874

    My internet connection has been down for hours, and it is coming and going, so I won't be online today.  TTYL

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,605
    edited September 2017

    I own 4 dexsoft game products. I haven't used them in a while. One thing I really like about this PA's work is that in the sets I own, they make their props individual so they don't just load with the set. The props are good ones too with a fair amount of detail. This adds value for me. Some of the sets come with props that include, barrels, ropes, cords, shelving and lights. I honestly think they should do some prop sets. They do a good job on those.

    Of the 3 corridors I own, Which are: Glow, Rounded, and Sci-fi passage none  have hideable ceilings. In the case of the rounded one I can understand....Not so much the square ones. Under the surface walls there are mat zones for different scene elements but none for ceiling at a cursory glance. They are also mostly 3delight and load with 3delight textures and lights. If there is an iray one there I may have missed it, as they aren't labeled.

    Sewer product does have a hidable ceiling.

    I never ended up using these products too much.  Although the sets are quite good, the ceiling issue makes them a pain to light, and I have moved beyond liking stuff with too much repetitive texturing. There is something kind  of artificial to me about the boxy quality of some parts ot the sets... There needs to be some irregularities for me to feel the enviornment is real- if that makes sense. That said  they are certainly a decent mid-range product, and if you don't mind fussing with lights and maybe textures they could be useful.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,584
    jakiblue said:

    I wonder what was wrong with the original poster? Not Swiss, so have no idea if anything was wrong with it.  

    isidorn said:
    RGcincy said:

    Swiss Room appears to be back.

    With a new poster on the wall. You can compare it with the one in the promo I posted a bit further up this thread.


    Nath said:

    I wonder if those who bought them will get a heads up about the hall and props if they end up being pulled

    I bought the bundle. Had no idea it got pulled until reading it here.

    Regarding Irma. Although a safe distance away from it, it's making the news here too. Apparently it's so violent, seismographs is picking it up. surprise


    It's a book cover.

  • sueyasueya Posts: 830

    These are two hair styles that I have recently bought

    The one on the left is Nick Hair

    This comes with 20 different colours. I think it is quite an edgy style.

    The one on the right is Brendan hair

    This comes with 8 different colours. I think it could look good on females too.

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited September 2017

    HEADS UP: There are some good deals to be found in today's offer of 70% off Fantasy Clothing and Accessories with purchase of two new or still new releases. The PC+ one doesn't qualify, but you only need new or still new item, so you could use the PC+ one to knock down the price of that item. Then use the monthly PC+ coupon and you can get an outfit for free, or a couple for very cheap.

    Here's the Minerva outfit for G3F,  which comes with armor, props, poses and hair. It's $5.99 in the cart with qualitifying items, FREE with the coupon. That's Darwin's new Clarke for G3F and G8F, who is a "still new release" today and would be a qualifying item.

    Post edited by Llynara on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874
    edited September 2017

    Yep, I already had Minerva in my cart.

    The banner for Fantasy CLothing advertising is NOT RIGHT. They are NOT keeping items in the sale that are STILL ADVERTISED. Feel free to use my screenshots and file a ticket. (and yes, I did, asking that they put them back.)

    774 x 613 - 653K
    Post edited by Novica on
  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    Oh, I'm sorry. That's frustrating! It was working fine this morning and earlier this afternoon.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874
    edited September 2017
    Llynara said:

    Oh, I'm sorry. That's frustrating! It was working fine this morning and earlier this afternoon.

    Yep, well my internet was down. I just checked and the scrolling banner has changed. 

    Their loss, I just dumped over $60 of OTHER things from my cart. I don't need anything and am not supporting these actions. THREE THINGS removed from the sale, and that was only what I PERSONALLY had in the cart. Who knows how many things they actually pulled.  Over to Rendo I go with that money.

    Post edited by Novica on
  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    I find the explanation that the sale was intended for DOs and "... some items were included in the list which shouldn't hae been." disingenuous when nearly half the items in the list, even now with several removed since early this morning, ARE NOT Daz Originals. If they discovered some that shouldn't have been in the list, why didn't they go through the whole page and remove everything that wasn't supposed to be included?

    And then they leave it for the poor mods to take the heat.

    It would be much easier to be forgiving of the screw ups, if they weren't a chronic issue on this site. And I'm not talking about items that are intentionally part of the sale but missing discounts. I'm talking about items being advertised as part of a promotion that were not intended to be discounted. And like today's sale, left in place, even when Daz knows they aren't part of the sale.

    Frustrating, to say the least.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874
    L'Adair said:

    It would be much easier to be forgiving of the screw ups, if they weren't a chronic issue on this site.


  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    edited September 2017
    Novica said:
    L'Adair said:

    It would be much easier to be forgiving of the screw ups, if they weren't a chronic issue on this site.



    Seriously, though, I took a screenshot of the scrolling banner just to do my post in the "always another sale" thread, and two of the three items you were asking about were in that banner. That was roughly 3:15 this afternoon, Daz time. I guess they are too busy working on tomorrow's screwup to fix today's. (Cynical? Moi? How'd you ever guess?)

    Post edited by L'Adair on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874
    edited September 2017

    And also this one got removed. So that's FOUR things. (It's in my banner screenshots and in my cart. Discounting, but not 70%)

    Post edited by Novica on
  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    Novica said:

    And also this one got removed. So that's FOUR things. (It's in my banner screenshots and in my cart. Discounting, but not 70%)

    I had that in my sample cart of things not working. Arki and Shox-Design both are currently featured artists, so it gets that discount instead.

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    And to top it all off, a huge number of their customers have more pressing things to deal with than errors on the Daz site. Perhaps you should forget about Daz until after Irma has run her course. You might just need that money for something more important than virtual property.

  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    thank you Serene Night! That was very helpful!  

    I own 4 dexsoft game products. ...... and if you don't mind fussing with lights and maybe textures they could be useful.


  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874
    edited September 2017
    L'Adair said:

    And to top it all off, a huge number of their customers have more pressing things to deal with than errors on the Daz site. Perhaps you should forget about Daz until after Irma has run her course. You might just need that money for something more important than virtual property.

    LOL, already done that. I'm in Pensacola, have a full house generator, and already had the emergency supplies. Just business as usual, since I can buy frozen food and eat as usual.  Both vehicles topped off and gas cans full for the vehicles, did the latter before prices went up at all!  Only thing I need to worry about would be Stetson. (My house has been through two Category 3's, bordering Category 4 strength.) I also just got all the trees trimmed two weeks ago (you do it so the wind easily blows through it) so I'm all set. I'm more busy dealing with the dog situation than the hurricane (we're all busy filing the forms with Animal Control/ interviews with them.)  That owner is getting two citations for the attacking dog, one citation for their second dog which was also running loose.

    I do want to say one thing- the second dog (also owned by that owner, and running loose with the attacking dog)  is a pit bull mix- who looks more pit bull than anything- who remained VERY GENTLE during this entire thing, never made a move on the dog stroller with the other two small dogs inside who were agitated- and when it left with the attacker running off with the other dog, made no attempt to assist in the attack, or bite the person who also took it by the collar. It sat down obediently. Just needed to say that because people in the neighborhood jumped to the wrong conclusion and we are making sure blame is put where it belongs (on the greyhound/whippet mix and the OWNER.) And I am just getting more details about the attack.

    I sat outside with my neighbor in the wee hours this morning, from 2:30am till 4:15am, she was having anxiety attacks, dreaming about the attack. She called me and we sat on her front porch steps and just talked. 


    Post edited by Novica on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874

    Huh. The stagecoaches come with horses!  And it says accessories so you don't have to do reins or anything? Wow. They're only $5.49 with a New Debut. 

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited September 2017

    Glad to know you're prepared. Novica. So sorry to hear about the dogs.

    Garrett for M8

    Here's a really quick render of Faber's Garrett for M8 while he's a "still new" release today. If you miss him, remember there's a catch-up sale sometime this month. Not sure if they do one mid-month and at the end or just at the end. Can't remember. Anyhow, this guy has some incredible textures! I will play with him more tomorrow. He reminds me so much of my hero Brett in my Midwest series. Mmm mmmmm!

    Post edited by Llynara on
This discussion has been closed.