Tools Properties Panel
This is a simple question...but I can find the answer in the on-line manual. I am trying to use the boolean tool to cut a hole into a Daz|Studio object. I have looked at the on-line videos and it shows a Tools Properties panel on the right hand side. I don't have one. And I can find where to add one in the menus or docs. Can someone tell me what I am missing?
If you go to the Window drop-down menu, you can tick a box for the panel to appear.
If it floats and you want to to dock it, just drag to the right and a blue bar should 'highlight' then you can let the mouse button go.
It may be that your property panel and others are simply tucked away to the right. There is a little arrow on the right of the screen to drag it/them out, if that is the case.
Have exactly the same problem, no "tools properties panel". Just properties.