G8/V8 backwards compatibility extents?

I was just curious exactly HOW GOOD the touted backwards compatibility is. For example, does G2 and G3 clothing and skins really work with G8? Or does it require adjustments and is it reliable?


I am also curious if V4 clothing, Skins and hair work with V8 or G8?


  • RalMRalM Posts: 33

    The poses of G3/V7 need too much adjustment , I think.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited June 2017

    About Pose,  actually it was not so difficult. because, when you rotate only 4 bones, you can make usuall T pose from new G8F zero pose.   and  if you add these rotation, most of pose work as same as genesis3. 

    then if you make pose controller, , DS can add delta rotation only . I expoect  We will  find free script (or vendor product) soon,(it seems simple enough)  but untill that, you can do it with ERC freeze pose controller. once you make it, all pose work . (at least as my test, most of usuall pose work without problem)  I made it like that.

    1. Load genesis8female.. keep new start pose.     Left sholder bend, to 45 (I prefer 45.5), then Rotate Right sholder bend to -45 ( - 45.5).   (or you  load genesis3, then comapre it as you like. almost same value work)

    2. Left Thigh side to side to 6,  then Right Thigh side to side, -6.  it is almost identical value. 


    3.  (optional)   save as pose preset, for later use.  (It useful to make new clone etc)

    4.  keep current T pose of genesis8F,   select root (or as you like,, but usually root is good)  in parameter tab,  go to edit mode,  r-clcik one of group, ( I recommend Pose controller group)    then create new property.

    5   set Property type =Bool ,   Name SetG3Tpose,  Label SetG3Tpose  Path Pose Controls/convert , Hidden NO, Locked NO, Animatable Yes, AutoFollow NO,

    Presentational attributes Type: Modifier/pose  ,  Default value = OFF,  value =OFF


      of course,  name or path are,  as you like.   then click "create"

    6  in parameter tab, go to group then find the new bool property (switch) , then set it "on"   

    7 R click on the property," set ERC freeze"  


    8 ERC Freeze wiindow open,   Node = genesis8female ,   Property = controller name (which you made) ,

    in Freeze properties section. confirm  only check "ON"   4 z rotaiton, 4 Nodes ,  and rotation value which you made for current T pose.   if there are other properties,  you need to remove them.  (just remove check mark)


    9 almost finish ..  after you make T pose controller with ERC,, check how it work.. (zero pose, ) then click "on" and "off" on bool property.  now it auto set T pose, (add rotation)

    10 save it as morph first. 


    11 select G8 then apply G3 pose  wthich you have,, (I usually use Content library to serch  pose with diffrent gneration)

      when you set "OFF"  it simply not work. then set "ON"  you may find, each pose for G3F work well. 



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    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252

    What is G8? Why isn't it genesis 4? Is it because of the backwards compatibility?

  • I think they skipped Genesis 4/5/6/7 because of the references to Gen 4 figures, etc.  They may have assumed it would confuse users and to line up with the current number of Victoria.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    Thank you, Kitakoredaz, for that detailed explanation.

  • I was just curious exactly HOW GOOD the touted backwards compatibility is. For example, does G2 and G3 clothing and skins really work with G8? Or does it require adjustments and is it reliable?


    I am also curious if V4 clothing, Skins and hair work with V8 or G8?

    G3F skins work if they use the G3F Base UV or a UV close to the Base UV. I tested the basic materials for all the various 7 gals I have and they all worked except Bethany, Kalea, Girl, Rune, Sunny, and Teen Josie which all show white patches where the UVs don't match up. Olympia works for the most part but her areola are off a bit. I don't know with Genevieve or Ophelia as I do not have them to test. As far as I know G2 and Genesis textures wont work until a vendor comes out with a compatible UV for G8 to use Genesis or G2 UVs 

    Auto fit Clones for Genesis through Genesis 3 are included so whether clothing works and what adjustments are needed are determined by how well the auto fit works with the items.

    Poses are a bit harder as the default pose was changed from the standard T-Pose to an A-Pose, but there is already a free script to adjust G3F poses to G8 in the freebies forum.

    V4 clothing items will not work directly until someone comes up with an auto fit clone for V4. I have seen some sugest a work around by Auto fitting a V4 item to Genesis then saving the item, and the auto fit the saved Genesis item to G8. Prop hair should work with normal adjustments since they aren't conforming, but I have not played with any old hair with G8 yet. V4 skins would be using a different UV so again until a vendor comes up with a conversion method or a V4 UV for G8 then using V4 maps are out.

  • MyLaMyLa Posts: 8
    edited June 2017

    G3F clothing work good, but footwear doesn't.sad 

    Post edited by MyLa on
  • nakamuram002nakamuram002 Posts: 795
    RalM said:

    The poses of G3/V7 need too much adjustment , I think.

    See this post...


  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

     about  high heels of G3 which bake" foot pose" joint rotation as zero pose. those foot wear can not work well with auto-fit process.






  • PedroCPedroC Posts: 198
    RalM said:

    The poses of G3/V7 need too much adjustment , I think.

    You can download a free " G8F T pose" from : http://sickleyield.deviantart.com/journal/Tutorial-Convert-Clothing-G3-to-G8-G8-to-G3-686682065, thanks to Sickleyield

  • lindanslindans Posts: 99
    edited June 2017

    Well I must say I am impressed V8 seems very accomodating LOL! First render, took about an hour.


    V8 Android.jpg
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    Post edited by lindans on
  • ebergerlyebergerly Posts: 3,255
    edited June 2017

    Yeah, honestly I'm not real impressed with the "extreme backwards compatibility" they're referring to. So far, I've found almost zero compatibility out of the box with G3.

    • G3 shoes (apparently high heels with an initial pose) don't fit, although on initial load they seem to fit until the Autofit does it's thing...
    • G3 poses sometimes seem to work, and other times they get distorted
    • G3 character morphs don't work 

    Considering you now have to go out and buy the new G8 morphs and expressions and so on, I really don't see the benefit. I just hope the new G8 stuff coming out in the store will work on G3 characters. Maybe that's what they were referring to...new stuff will have extreme backwards compatibility. 

    Post edited by ebergerly on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,848
    ebergerly said:

    Yeah, honestly I'm not real impressed with the "extreme backwards compatibility" they're referring to. So far, I've found almost zero compatibility out of the box with G3.

    • G3 materials (character stuff like skin) do nothing when you click on it with the G8 selected. 
    • G3 shoes (apparently high heels with an initial pose) don't fit, although on initial load they seem to fit until the Autofit does it's thing...
    • G3 poses sometimes seem to work, and other times they get distorted
    • G3 character morphs don't work 

    Considering you now have to go out and buy the new G8 morphs and expressions and so on, I really don't see the benefit. I just hope the new G8 stuff coming out in the store will work on G3 characters. Maybe that's what they were referring to...new stuff will have extreme backwards compatibility. 

    Materials certainly should work if they use the base Genesis 3 female UV set, are you using plain Materials presets or Character presets?

    Heels (and other elements that go a long way from the body) are always gong to be a problem for an auto-conversion tool, I fear.

  • ebergerlyebergerly Posts: 3,255

    I was using a character preset. I'm not sure how you'd use a Materials preset on a G3/G8 character....

  • ebergerlyebergerly Posts: 3,255
    edited June 2017

    OOpppsss...my mistake. I just re-tried a couple G3 character preset skin materials and they load okay on the G8. It's the preset character shapes/morphs that don't load.

    My apologies... I updated my post

    Post edited by ebergerly on
  • Singular3DSingular3D Posts: 545

    If you look at the bone hierarchy, you will see that Genesis 8 Female has no heel bone. The feet are layed out differently. That may be one reason, why G3 shoes do no fit well.

  • magicweavermagicweaver Posts: 244
    edited June 2017

    sickleyield has a fantastic tutorial for these thangs :D good luck ya'll



    "some day I'll learn to spell!!"


    Post edited by magicweaver on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    These are rare but  Some vendeor shoes  include Morph which auto deform genesis3 foot mesh, when foot pose applied.

    (pose preset, or wearable preset).  When fit to  shoes for G3 with foot pose,  select G3, and check currently used .  if there are morphs which you have not seen already, and it is not JCM,  it deform genesis3 mesh for current shoes only.  (eg XXXXX boots fit etc) Then vendor offer "zero morphs" for shoes, which overwrite auto-generate morph, then it do  not defrom  shoes.

    About those shoes we need to transfer morphs from G3 to G8, (or manually adjust G8 mesh to fit to shoes well,  then save as morph , delta from foot pozing shape) then   save foot pose preset, or wearalbe preset for G8, . to work those morph for G8 as same as G3. 

    I do not think we need to overwrite generate morphs as same as vendor way, but simply set it not auto-follow , then shoes not deform.

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