DS 4.9 and DS 4.8 on the same machine. Possible or not ? [Answer:Yes, but...]

3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,720
edited June 2017 in Daz Studio Discussion

I currently have DS4.5 (32 bit) and DS4.8 (64 bit) installed. (I never use DS4.5)

Is it possible to install DS4.8 and DS4.9 side-by-side ?

(I asked a similar question when 4.8 came out - https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/62544/installing-ds4-8-64-bit-alongside-other-ds-versions )

ANSWER: The only 'safe' (DAZ approved) way to have two different versions of DS4 on the same machine is to have a normal version and a beta version (e.g. normal version of DS4.8 and a beta version of DS4.9). There are other ways to get multiple versions of DS4 on your machine but they're at your own risk. See below for details.

Post edited by 3dcheapskate on


  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,720
    edited June 2017

    I'd be looking at replacing DS4.5 (32 bit) with DS4.9 (32 bit).

    Not sure if it's relevant, but I don't use DIM or Install Manager, preferring to manually download an exe and run that. Also I don't use CMS - I'm always very low on disk space and didn't like the way the database kept growing (that was back in DS4.0/DS4.5 days but the aversion stuck)

    Post edited by 3dcheapskate on
  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,720
    edited June 2017

    If the answers to the previous thread still hold true then it should be possible to have DS4.8(64bit) and DS4.9(32bit), or vice versa, installed together.

    I guess I should also ask whether it's possible to install DS4.9 without the CMS ? Bottom left of the image in the OP here https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/5403/daz-studio-4-installation-guide-windows (stickied thread at the top of the DAZ Studio forum, so it should be up-to-date shouldn't it?) says "The Content Management Service is not required to run DAZ Studio 4"

    Post edited by 3dcheapskate on
  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,720
    edited June 2017

    There was also something about DS4.9 only allowing you to use content belonging to a single username. I've always had two usernames here at DAZ, one (this one) for freestuff, and another for stuff I paid for in the old days. There was a thread where I asked about this but I can't find it. I obviously want to use the free and purchased content together. I vaguely recall that it was possible to use content from two separate accounts if DIM/Install Manager/DAZ Connect wasn't being used, as it was one of those applied the 'single username' criteria?

    Post edited by 3dcheapskate on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,848

    There was also something about DS4.9 only allowing you to use content belonging to a single username. I've always had two usernames here at DAZ, one (this one) for freestuff, and another for stuff I paid for in the old days. There was a thread where I asked about this but I can't find it. I obviously want to use the free and purchased content together. I vaguely recall that it was possible to use content from two separate accounts if DIM/Install Manager/DAZ Connect wasn't being used, as it was one of those applied the 'single username' criteria?

    File>Save will work only if the scene was already saved by the current user. If the Author name in DS doesn't match that for the scene then File>Save functions as a File>Save As, asking for a file name. If you used Connect to install encrypted content then that would be tied to a single account, unless you had a copy under two accounts. Those are the only limits of which I am aware.


    You can install a Beta of a different version from the release, but isntalling betas has to be done through DIM. While using version n 32 and version m 64 might work be aware that they will share settings and layouts, stored in the same AppData folder and the same registry keys, so the potential for conflict is certainly there.

  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,720
    edited June 2017

    Thanks Richard.

    Decided to bite the bullet and try the install manger. Used that to install the DS4.9 beta (both 32 and 64 bit versions), and both run okay with a warning about the missing CMS database (which I mentioned that I don't use).

    Can't find any uninstallers for these betas in my Windows 7 Control Panel > Programs and Features (I guess that's due to DIM?). Uninstalled and reinstalled using DIM, so I'm happy enough with that.

    Next installed the DS 4.9.4 Pro General Release 32 bit, but did it using the old manual install (force of habit!). I thought that the DS4.9 PostGreSQL CMS was (a) optional, and (b) a separate installer ? Apparently not as it was automatically installed. I can't find an uninstaller for CMS in Control Panel > Programs and Features. I can't even locate where it was installed. And the only thing in DS4.9 Edit > Preferences > CMS Settings is a cluster directory in my AppData/Roaming

    (If I run the betas now they also find this CMS)




    522 x 141 - 18K
    Post edited by 3dcheapskate on
  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,720

    Rebooted the computer and the PostgreSQL installation magically appeared (or maybe I missed it before) in C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\PostgreSQL CMS, and the uninstaller magically appeared (or maybe I missed that too) in Programs and Features as DAZ PostGreSQL CMS.

    Is there any way to install it to a different location ?

  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


    Post edited by cridgit on
  • cm152335cm152335 Posts: 421

    best solution is "DUAL BOOT"
    install twice your windows in two separate hard disck and on boot start select the boot you want to work


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,848
    cridgit said:

    I would NOT upgrade to 4.9 again after the pain I went through 1 year ago and again the past week. All my content got stuffed, I had to reinstall everything from scratch, I lost some older content and I simply cannot use 4.9.4 with the way they have changed things now combined with some absolutely stupid bugs. I'm so disappointed in these two "upgrades" (cough) its not funny.

    This is not, however, a common situation.

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    Install the latest beta, you will need to do it from DIM.

  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,720
    edited June 2017

    Thanks folks.

    cridgit: The unknowns about DS4.9 are why I want to keep DS4.8 64-bit (even though I don't use DS much, DS4.8 has been my main DS4 for a couple of years ago and I'm as happy with it as I was with DS4.6 and DS3). I have backups of all my DS content (although of course something will be missing), backups of the backups, etc. I never used the old CMS, and when it was forced onto my PC by various DS4 installers I immediately deleted it and posted on the forums here to make sure of what I was doing. My existing DS content (all in external content directories on a separate disk partition) still seems to be there after installing the 32bit DS4.9.4.117 general release (using the manual installer). I'm now actually thinking of reorganising all my generation 5+ content (i.e. Genesis stuff) because it's in a mess, and I think it might make sense to try and reinstall Genesis 1, 2, 3 and 4 (8 if you prefer ;o) ) stuff via DIM.

    Richard Haseltine: Most of the problems I have aren't common situations ! ;o)

    cm152335: I didn't mention that my disk space is limited - my laptop is ancient. And I already dual boot Ubuntu and Windows 7. Also iirc Windows Update doesn't like two installations with the same product ID/key or whatever-the-number's-called.

    jestmart: done that already (I wanted to finally try out DIM) - so I have both 32 and 64 bit betas of DS4.9.4.117 installed nand they seem to be happy.

    Post edited by 3dcheapskate on
  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,720
    edited June 2017

    I should perhaps have been clearer* when I asked "Is there any way to install it to a different location ?" a couple of posts above

    I was specifically referring to the DAZ PostgreSQL SQL, which seems to be installed automatically to the default C:\Program Files\ (without any option to not install, or to install to a different location) when using the manual installer.

    *clarity isn't my strong point - you  may have noticed that? :o)



    Post edited by 3dcheapskate on
  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,720

    I've sort-of answered my own question...

    Uninstalled PostgreSQL CMS from Windows Control Panel > Programs and Features

    Ran DIM and found both 32 and 64 bit versions of PostgreSQL CMS available. Guess I only need one, so I picked the 64bit version, downloaded it, and installed it to the 64 bit software installation folder (as set up in the DIM settings). All three installations of DS (i.e. both betas and the 32bit general release) find the new CMS. The betas don't see my old content (because I haven't told them where my content directories are) but the general release does (since it's using the same settings as my DS4.8 64bit)

    My old DS4.8 still seems to run fine and sees all my old content.

    I guess that there's nothing in my CMS, so it's time to put something into it - Genesis 8 starter essentials, via DIM. The DIM Settings for Installation allow me to add content paths other than the C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library so I added a new one, checked 'Install to selected path' and set 'Current' (top) to my new path, accepted and installed.

    Ran 32bit beta, told it where to find this new content directory and loaded genesis 8.
    Ran 64bit beta - genesis 8 already there, so it's using the same settings as the 32bit beta.

    Ran 32bit general release,toldthat where to find the new content directory and loaded genesis 8.

    Okay, I think I've got the hang of the basics now. Time to sleep on it.

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    The 32 bit Studio does not include Iray render engine.

  • I currently have DS4.5 (32 bit) and DS4.8 (64 bit) installed. (I never use DS4.5)

    Is it possible to install DS4.8 and DS4.9 side-by-side ?

    (I asked a similar question when 4.8 came out - https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/62544/installing-ds4-8-64-bit-alongside-other-ds-versions )

    Yes, it is possible to have multiple _non Beta_ 64 bit versions of DS on the same PC, as well as Beta versions.
     Here is a link that  explains how.


  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,720
    edited June 2017

    jestmart: thanks, hadn't spotted that.

    RainbowArtist: :facepalm: - thank you !

    • I always install DS to a separate disk partition (and have done since the days of DS3).
    • I've always (since I first got 64 bit verions of DS) had both 32 and 64 bit versions of both DS3 and DS4 on my laptop.
    • I knew (and was reminded by Richard) that if you install both the 32 and 64 bit versions of DS4 then they share the same settings (registry, AppData).
    • But I'd never even thought of the now-obvious next step, to simply install a different 64 bit DS4 to a different folder. I may try that later today (I'm playing with Genesis content installation via DIM today). I also need to read through the other thread a few times (I just had a quick glance before my morning coffee today so my brain's still not really working yet.) because there will definitely be 'things to be aware of' about doing it this way.
    Post edited by 3dcheapskate on
  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    That method of installing two versions of Studio of the same generation is not reccommended by DAZ,  you do it at your risk and don't complain if it all goes to Hades in a handbasket.

  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,720
    edited June 2017
    jestmart said:

    That method of installing two versions of Studio of the same generation is not reccommended by DAZ,  you do it at your risk and don't complain if it all goes to Hades in a handbasket.

    Yes indeed - the only 'safe' (as in approved by DAZ) way to install two versions of DS4 (whether the same or different bitnesses*) side by side on the same PC is a normal release and a beta as rbtwhiz states on the DAZ Studio Pro FAQ thread. Anything else is definitely at your own risk (... as in  "push buttons, see what happens"? ;o) )

    Having said that, I've never had problems installing or using both 32 and 64bit versions of both DS3 and DS4 on my PC (N.B. I never used CMS and always deleted it when it was automatically installed**. I was also aware of the potential for problems due to the 32 and 64 bit versions of DS using the same settings (Appdata,registry) but never ran into anything).

    Regarding installing two versions of DS4 with the same bitness (i.e. both 32-bit or both 64-bit - note: betas are different as namffuak mentioned on that thread and as rbtwhiz explained in the earlier link) - the old manual installers prevented that and forced you to uninstall the existing version first - I posted about that on the other thread earlier today. DIM lets you get around it as RainbowArtist has explained. Once again, definitely at your own risk.

    I've now got DS4.9 32/64 bit betas and DS4.9 32/64 bit normal releases all installed via DIM, and my old DS4.8 is still there. All five versions of DS4 seem to work...


    *stupid word ;o)

    ** Edit: up to and including DS4.7.0.12 the DS4 manual installer versions I had included a checkbox for "Customize Content Management Service", and when it got to the CMS installation part you could cancel that bit. DS (the next version I had) didn't have the checkbox and installed CMS whether you wanted it or not.

    Post edited by 3dcheapskate on
  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,720

    (This post is mainly for my own reference)

    I started with DS4.8 64bit as the only DS4 on my laptop.

    Installed DIM.

    Used DIM to install these (set paths to /DAZ/DIM/Apps32 and DAZ/DIM/Apps64 on a separate drive partition for apps, and /Studio/DIM/ on a different drive partition for content)
    - DS4.9 32-bit beta
    - DS4.9 64-bit beta
    - PostgreSQL CMS
    - Genesis 8 Starter Essentials

    Then installed DS 4.9 32-bit general release using the manual installer (force of habit - I hadn't meant to do that)

    All 4 versions of DS4 seem to work (open, load a figure, start a render). The betas only see genesis 3, the general release sees all my DS4.8 content.

    From DIM:
    - Uninstalled Genesis 8
    - Uninstalled PostgreSQL CMS

    Manually, via Control Panel:
    - Uninstalled DS4.9 32-bit general release


    Ran DS4.9 betas to confirm CMS gone - resource error indicates no CMS, as expected.

    DS4 versions on my laptop now:
    - DS4.9 32-bit beta
    - DS4.9 64-bit beta
    - Previous DS4.8 64-bit, manually installed

    Ran the DS4.9 64bit manual installer. It wants to force CMS onto my system, as the 32bit did, but also detects a previous DS4 64-bit installation and insists on delting that before proceeding. So I cancelled.

    Next installed DS4.9 32-bit general release via DIM. Set content installation folder to a new folder, but the only thing that got installed there was a 0KB InstallManagerFileRegister.json file (the content is in separate installers isn't it?). Also there was nothing about CMS during installation, and when I run DS4.9(32)general it gives the 'No CMS' warning, which is good. Rebooted to make sure.

    Now try the 64bit via DIM in a similar fashion. No 'previous installation' warning, nothing about CMS, and it seems to go okay.

    DS4 versions on my laptop now:
    - DS4.9 32-bit beta
    - DS4.9 64-bit beta
    - DS4.9 32-bit general release
    - DS4.9 64-bit general release
    - Previous DS4.8 64-bit, manually installed

    All 5 versions seem to work (just opened them, that's all). The four DS4 versions all warn about missing CMS.

    Rebooted and installed PostgreSQL CMS via DIM.

    Rebooted and tested. All 5 versions seem to work and there's no CMS warning.

    Time to reinstall all the Genesis 1, 2, 3, and 8 Starter Essentials via DIM and get my Genesis content organized.

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