Quicktime movie output for animations

I would like to output my animation as a quicktime movie, but the only movie option is AVI. I remember that I used to be able to output Quicktime for an animation. Is it not available any more?
I am running Win 7 and Carrara 8 Pro.
While I am MAC. Are you talking about Quicktime or Quicktime PRO! Huge difference. AS far as I know QT PRO will export ad save in a large amount of different compressions.
I think QT Pro is the best $30 anyone can spend
I remember Carrara being able to write or output an animation as a MOV or QT files. In other words a Quick Time file even on a Windows computer. The Quick Time file option is gone from the list of formats to save an animation in the Output tab of the Render room.
Any ideas?
HI mdelaflor :)
Quicktime export is only available in 32bit .
So,. Carrara 64bit,. doesn't have that export option
You can have both the 64bit and 32 bit versions installed, so you could use the 32bit to export to quicktime,..but it's probably faster to render as a sequenced image format from the 64bit, and then,.. if yoo have Quicktime pro, .. you can load in the image sequence, and export to Quicktime .mov
hope it helps :)
Thanks alot that really helped. I will render out to TIFF.
I have another question. When rendering the program quits at the same spot. No matter what I do. I have tried everything and it just quits at exactly 72.4% of the animation. I am ready to ditch teh 64 bit version and go back to the 32 bit version
Mike, when that's happened to me in 64-bit, it's because I forgot to name the file being rendered before rendering. In 32-bit it's been that and/or a scene too big for my system.
HIi Mike :)
As Kevin mentioned,. 32 bit has limits on memory,. Max 3GB. . 64 doesn't.
Name the files sequence. otherwise they're stored in Temp,.
TIFF can be a Big, BIG, file size,. if you use PNG, you'll get the same high image quality, and alpha channel,. but at a much much smaller size.
Thanks for the help. I got it to work.
No problem Mike
glad to help :)