Problems with fractals when applying poses?

I've submitted a bug report but haven't heard anything.  I'm using a MacBook Pro, OS Sierra10.12.4 and Daz Studio Pro  I was using Lilith 6, had dressed her, added hair and props, then added a pose and rendered.  There was a bug where fractals appeared and I thought it would dissappear when I rendered but it didn't.  So I started fresh, opened a new Lilith 6, re-dressed her, etc. and rendered an image of the default character.  Then I added a pose.  The fractals appeared and I rendered it.  So I used the Edit-undo to remove the pose and added a pose from a different pose file.  Same thing, so it wasn't the original pose.

Has anyone had this problem?  Does anyone know the solution?



Rose w xbow.jpg
883 x 706 - 381K
Image b4 pose.jpg
883 x 706 - 95K
Image after pose.jpg
883 x 706 - 95K
Image after 2nd pose.jpg
883 x 706 - 103K


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    What exactly do you mean by fractals?  

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,847 is a fairly old version now, it might be worth upating to the current version. If that doesn't help, what content is this?

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    Check the Mesh Resolution and Smoothing Modifier on the dress.  For the Mesh Resolution try changing SubDivision Algorithym to Catmull-Clark (Legacy).  For Smoothing try changing Smoothing Type to Generic.

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