"A file not found error has occurred" and other problems
I just bought Carrara 8 (I had version 6 before), downloaded it, ran it, it works. But I'm having several problems:
1) The program is not allowing me to use "Save As" with a Carrara 6 file I had, and need to render. It says: "A file not found error has occurred". But all files are there (all saved internally), and when I open the original file, the program doesn't say there's any missing file.
2) When I try to render JPEG sequences (I assigned sequence name and made a special folder for the JPEGs, as I do with any other program like AfterEffects, and as I used to do with Carrara 6), Carrara doesn't generate the JPEGs one by one, but waits until the whole sequence is done (this was like 15 hours yesterday) to end up in the same error message: "A file not found error has occurred". But, where are the good JPEGs, before the error? Nowhere.
3) Not only that, but another very weird thing is happening: Carrara generates new folders in my computer, with the same names of the folder I made specially for the render, but "cracked" names. That is, if I make a folder called "andor", then two or more other folders appear, named: "And", "or" (the second inside the first one).
What is going on?
I have a Mac 1.1 2x2.66 Ghz Dual-Core Intel Xeon, running OS 10.6.8. The system was very recently installed, everything is updated, the disk was re-formatted before installation, all programs are working fine... but Carrara.
Sorry to hear about your Mac-based woes. If you were on Windows, we could have used Process Monitor to dig to the bottom of the File Not Found. If there is an equivalent tool for the Mac, I don't know of it.
Hopefully there are some other Mac users out here who can help.
It's allright now. I didn't know I could not change the name of the folder containing the whole project (in after effects you can). So the project didn't find itself, or something like that.
thanks anyway