salute, new here, need help with my computer specs
Salute to all of you, hope i can make good friends and find great help on my new adventure to making 3d proyects, like all of you.
And my first problem is, that im not sure, if my cpu is right for the job. But I dont have another one.
I have a:
Quadcore Amd A8-3870, 3000 Mhz
Motherboard: MSI A55M-P33 (MS-7786)
4gb ram (aparently I can upgrade to 16)
Windows 7 ultimate 64
250gb hard drive
NVidia GeForce gt 610 (2gb)
I just bought it for 300 dollars
I hope it will work...,if not, can i improve it?
Hope you can helpme, my goal is to work on movie proyects, speciaL fx, etc. Im not talking ILM, but something that works and looks good.
I don;t see why a quad core would not work properly, people are still runing dual core machines without problems.
Since you are using a 64 bit OS, you must increase your RAM to at least 8 GB (16GB would be better). Memory is fairly cheap at the moment. My 64 bit system uses over 2GB just sitting there, so you would not have much memory left for creating scenes or anything else.
Have you tried DAZ Studio on it yet?
Thanks for the reply, No I havnt, I havnt unpaked, and im afraid of crashing it and sending all to hell, what do you think about the graphics?
Thanks man, I see you have work online, im cheking it out, what can you tellme about the NVidia graphics?
Best Card I've ever had. But DS only uses the CPU and Ram to render. Was why I suggest upping your Ram.
But for graphics?, like great details on skin, terrain, sculpting, that kind of thing? Seeing your work makes me want to run theprogram right now, great stuff you have, any tips you can gave?
Graphics cards are really only helpful for real-time rendering - gaming, in other words. Your rig is significantly better than the bargain-basement laptop I use with DAZ Studio, and my laptop runs the program just fine. You'll be fine, though I agree that you'll be better off with more ram and hard drive storage.
Best of luck in the world of 3d rendering! :)
EDIT: Glad you like my Stuff. All done on a PC much like yours by the way.
Thankyou so much, jerri, jad, Jimm, for makingme understand, helpingme, hope to keep seeingya, thanks my friends
No problem - I was right where you are only a few months ago. I also know it can be frustrating learning how to use DAZ. But be patient, ask questions, practice (a lot), and the rewards will be great. :)
Thanks man, Ill be back for more questions, you can count on that, im gonna try the pc