Oddities and annoyances with Bryce 7 PRO
Can anybody help me?
I downloaded and installed the Bryce 7 PRO and it all seemed to be working fine for a while, then suddenly things changed.
The basic display area started almost rendering the wireframes such that the construction lines all bacome heavy and blocky. A sky appeared in the background, and it's very difficult to select and move objects or the camera by dragging.
I tried the display changes and it toggles through other versions but I can't get my original work area back.
The program still works to a point and renders are fine but it's become very clunky to work with.
I reinstalled it the first time it did this and it was fine again for a while then, bam! Back to this wierd setting.
I reinstalled again and this time it began in this annoying format.
I'm running on Vista home edition.
Can anybody explain what's going on? Have I inadvertently changed a setting? Or is this a bug?
OK, Need a few details, like system specs, amount of ram etc.
A screen shot or two may help as well, to show what it happening.
Great. Thanks for getting back so quickly.
Here are a couple of uploads. A printout of my system specs and a dump of the screen. Note this is with everything deselected so you should see what I mean. The heavy wireframes? Also the camera heavy in green (practically immovable by the way).
I should also mention, as I forgot to in my first post, the the selection/animation bar at the bottom keeps disappearing too. It reappears when I actively summon it, but nevertheless this is frustrating.
Grateful for any help, (but no urgency as I'm off on hol tomorrow morning for two weeks)
well i asked around for some feedback so far I have this
I've tried clearing some of the junk of my hard drive and I now have it up to 56.3GB free. However, this appears to have made no difference.
Do I need to reinstall Bryce? Or defrag? Or both? in order to see a difference?
defrag would possibly help. You may have enough free space now for defrag to work. You really do need to invest in an external HD. Some of my Bryce files can be 140-150 mb for the working file.
I keep all my working files on a separate drive, and I have 2 internal HDs. one is a TB drive.
I see now that my computer does an auto defrag every week anyway, so that's unlikely to be the problem.
I have an external drive for backups but that's not going to help my C drive, is it? It's capacity is only about 144GB to start with.
Can one get an external HD on which one can install and run programs, then? I thought the OS liked to pop all programs on the base C drive?
I'm afraid I'm only moderately techy when it comes to things like this.
BTW, just in case it makes it any clearer. In my work window I now get no response from the depth cue button, no wireframe shadows and there is marquee after image when I try to highlight things in blocks. In short - a bit of a mess.
In your scene did you use any TA or HDRI or did you change any of the premium settings...?
As regards installing prgram, I have only my OS, Anti virus, browser and skype on my primary (C) drive. I have all my other programs installed on my D drive, which is the terrabyte one, and yes you can indeed install programs on an external drive as well. I worked that way till I had this desktop built with the two hard drives. Reaction time may be a bit slower from an external, but not much.
W are none of us quite certain what could be going wrong for you, it is not a common problem, and the guys who gave me the answers I posted are all teccy types.
Sorry, as a relative newcomer to Bryce, I'm afraid I don't know what you mean by any of this :-S
Ah well, thanks anyway. Perhaps I'll go back to Bryce 5, that I have on a disk from years ago. I never had a problem with that.
Bet it's not backwards compatible with my recent work, though !
No, unfortunately Bryce 7 scenes will not open in Br 5, but on the other hand Br 5 scens will open in Br 7
I actually have several versions of Bryce installed. As I have them on the other drive I put them each in a separate folder to stop them arguing with each other.
I was having problems with Br 7 on my other PC, but since I bought this updated one I have had no problems and am really enjoying playing with Br 7
Dont go back...
You have saved your scene's in Bryce 7 so just save out your Libraries in a folder so you can put back after re install...If you have any specially saved materials or objects in a library then save in the folder...Reinstall bryce and then put your libraries back into the Bryce Main folder...
Bryce 7 pro is the best since Bryce 4...Take my word for it...It does have many bugs but still is the best...
I have run into this problem before but I changed things...
One thing I always do is make a basic scene with lighting and then save as Default...That way I always have MY scene to start up in...