Unzip IM00013176-43_SceneBuilderforDAZStudio.zip (Manual Installer)to where?

I found this in my backup of DS4.7.0.12 and it's also in my Product Library for DS4.9Pro (as both a manual and DIM installer). It contains just three files:

  • \DAZ Studio_4.5\resources\SceneBuilder.json
  • Manifest.dsx
  • Supplement.dsx

I assume that the SceneBuilder.json file should have been copied to <DAZStudio4.7InstallationPath>/resources/, not <AnyDAZStudioContentDirectory>/resources/  ?


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,858

    It would avoid issues to use Install Manager, but yes the Resources folder is merged with the one in the application folder(s).

  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,720

    Thanks Richard. I finally started using DIM and CMS yesterday and I've had no real problems... so far...  even with multiple installations of both 32 and 64 bit DS4 on the same machine.

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