Please help with pricing discount
I have in my cart
Simple Elegance (51% off) 6.35 Reg Price 12.95
Simple Elegance Textures (51% off) 4.39 Reg price 8.95
Jersey Dress (30% off) 13.27 Reg Price 18.95
Jersey Dress Textures (30% off) 4.87 reg price 6.95
Total 28.88
Discount <10.31>
I pay 18.57
How is this calculated for the 50% off for 2 or more items plus the additional 10% for previous purchase of Aiko5? Anyway I figure it doesn't work. There has to be a simpler way to figure this, but I can't figure it out to make sure its correct.
Thanks for any help :)
I got pretty close to the store calculations, variance due to rounding..
Thanks so much Lindsey, I just couldn't seem to get it to show how the calculation was done and was going to just purchase anyway , but now I see it looks right so i'm going shopping ;)
I give full credit to Cypherfox in a MM thread that came up with the original formula. The first day it was calculating all discounts on the regular price. I see Daz wised up and now calculates discounts after each one is applied.