I need bikini advice

Hongyus' Bikini for V5 GREAT product, but I have a little distortion on the hips when I scel the model down to a 5"2 person. I'll pot an image tomorrow when my hand cranked machine is done with it's monthly defrrag.
But there are some items that don't continue to fit when the scale is brought down with Genesis. It's not major - I can work around it with camera angle - but it's still something I'd like input on.
EDIT: I just looked at the subject and thought that I'd clarify... I personally would look like a bag of cottage cheese with a rubber band looped around it if I could find a bikini that came in "wow... we don't have a size category for you", so this is for advice on a this bikini for V5. ;-)
EDIT 2: Strange - I removed the bikini bottoms as they were not fitting, then re-added them and they fit perfectly now.
Non - issue. Consider it an abandoned thread. HAVE AT IT!
don't ware one if u are fat or close to
can we post bikini renders and photos now?
no fat one
ok http://anorexiapictures.net/files/images/anorexic.preview.jpg
You're looking a lot slimmer these days, Wendy!
Picture of a deceased?
At first glance I actually thought it was a render.
Fiona from Burn Notice? My Exwife? Someone in Dire need of a GOOD Meal?
ALL of the ABOVE.
That was so sexy I almost threw up.
I did a render of myself and Michael without a bikini but think it might violate the TOS
there is a bit of breast as would be peeping out of any bikini I squeezed into, am I a humanoid though or a human?
OMFG, Wendy, you are really quite hot :bug:
And damn you, Michael, what an a$$hole blocking the view like that, typical DAZ censorship that is!
I bet DAZ trained him like that before they released him.
I would not be surprised if it gets removed, would cover less if I had on a bikini but I have found the internet is very prudish given my Youtube experiences
funny thing is, I do not find nudity offensive at all, but dislike violence, racism etc but those things go uncensored.
deliberately chose a not so alluring expression photo btw.
bit a nod to Janet Jackson's album cover.
Unfortunately I think they might remove it. Not because of you being naked, but because of the hand pose on Michael. If you'd given him more of a casual hand pose it might have been safer.
But anyway, I've saved it to hard disk so that I have something to fantasize over tonight.
Please also feel free to email me a copy of "Wendy Uncensored".
Please take note of bullet point 4 in the gallery guidlelines, withing the TOS, which is posted at the top of every forum as an announcement.
4.) Images that may be considered sexually suggestive will be reviewed by the staff of this site as to its appropriateness for inclusion in the Gallery.
We reviewed the image and the consensus of opinion is that it did not abide by the TOS,
yeah, sorry, probably pushing it with THAT one.
oh, well threw Len a few crumbs to keep him quiet for a while!
I am actually experimenting a bit with integrating real photos and CGimages but probably should stick to tamer stuff!
I have had a play in the past, superimposing photo's on CG images. I did one once of my Stepgrandaughter as a fairy, and her boyfriend said he wanted to be a fairy as well, but then he didn't approve of the one I did.
I am not surprised, you left out his magic wand!
Too bad, Wendy, but good on you for having the guts to do that, I could never post myself naked on the DAZ forum!
Still, for once I was in the right place at the right time so I still have those crumbs you left me. I feel honoured because other guys will visit the thread later and wonder what they missed. I would like to thank you on behalf of me and my spore!
too many homemovies and photos of me out there flashing my tits I am afraid!
I am a bit of an exhibitionist.
all show no go though!
(total prickteaser)
I stuck the big 2000pix version on my Facebook page to scare and traumatize my friends!
I just checked and your Facebook is empty all but one photo!
Nuts, looks like I missed the pic! Er, for purely artistic reasons, of course. :)
He looks a bit like one of my friends. Except for the wings, of course.
Oh you have male friends that wear pink fairy dresses ?
Doesn't everyone?
Well...I have seen him in drag, but no dresses like that. I was really referring to the face and wrist (yes, he really is that...flamboyant). Actually he's not as good-looking as the guy in your render; he actually looks better as a woman than as a man. I have some interesting friends.
Yes I have some pretty interesting ones as well. Theres one gay couple who no one would guess were gay. One of them used to flirt regularly with me, even when talking to his partner on the phone, he would tell him he was being driven around by an attractive lady. But there are others of my aquaintance who are as camp as camp goes. ANd then there is the guy who is a top nothc hairdresser, who does the camp bit really well, but is as straight as straight in real life, just the ladies seem to prefer a camp hairdresser.
And one Pub I worked in for a while had a regular drag night, that was fun, as some of the guys were really convincing and a friend of ours was flirting like mad with one, and really thought he had made a hit with a an attractive lady. He was one of those guys who thinks he is gods gift to women, so we were in hysterics at him.
I wish I could have been there to see that. It would have been hard not to laugh, though.
I love green - do you
ewwwwww that pic is just ewwwww
the one wendy posted
the one of me that got removed?
you saw that?