Morph/Shaping Limits

Just a tip which most of you probably already know....

You can turn off the default limits to shaping morphs if you feel they don't go quite far enough. For example if the hair length morph that comes with the hair doesn't make it long enough, just look for the little gear-shaped icon on the morph slider, click on it, select Parameter Settings, and uncheck the "Use LImits" checkbox. That will allow you to go beyond +/- 100% of the morph.

Very useful, IMO. I've found that the G3 morphs seemed to be very limited in many ways, so I tend to uncheck this quite often. Heck, you can't even stick a character's tongue out with the supplied morphs as far as I can tell, but if you turn off limits you can. 

Just be careful about going too far and deforming the mesh it ways that weren't intended and getting some nasty results. 


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,855

    One thing to watch - not every slider is itself the morph, some are cotrnollers (for other morphs or for joint transforms) and in those cases adjusting the limits on the control slider may not work if the controlled sliders are themselves limited. There may also be cases where the properties need to be limited becasue they would do weird things below (or above) zero.

  • ebergerlyebergerly Posts: 3,255

    Ahhh, okay, good point. Thanks. 

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