How to Choose Male and Clone for Genesis 8 Female

I can't figure out how to choose Male for the Genesis 8 Female, nor how to choose Clone. Also, I guess I'd need a little explanation about how to transfer morphs. I've heard all of this is possible, but can't seem to get it done.
The only time that MALE was in any Genesis Generations it was with Genesis where you could use the shaping tab and change HER to HIM ... Any other generations after Genesis had, in time Male characters that needs to be purchased.
There is none for G8 yet.
I guess that is what you were asking?
The clone shapes are hidden by default, to display them, select G8F and go to the Parameters tab's Active Pane Options menu and enable "Show HIdden Properties". I enter "male" in the Parameters search box to display the Genesis 2 and 3 male clone shapes where you can dial one or the other in.
OK, thanks, both of you, for answering. I'm going to check that out right now. OK, that worked! I also got briefs on the male figure and hair on the male figure.
And how about transfering morphs? I can see in the Edit Menu, under Figure, Transfer Utility, Transfer Active Morphs, Morph Loader Advanced, and Morph Loader Pro. Oops! I don't know how to use any of that.
Also, I've read that G2 or G3 skins (materials) may be fit to the G8 male. In Surfaces, I found the UV set, which is basic female. When I try to apply G3 materials, I get error messages. I can't change the UV set from basic female. How would I apply G3 materials?
Sorry if I'm asking too much at once, but thanks very much for the help I've already gotten.
Still haven't found the answers to the above questions I have, but I've found that the fingers do very strange things, whether I apply a basic pose for the genesis 8 female (on the male), or whether I try some genesis 3 male poses on the male version of the genesis 8 female. The fingers get very long and thin. I tried zeroing out the pose on the hands, and then using "Fist" or "Grasp" in the Parameters Tab, but the same thing happens to the fingers. If I try bending just one finger at a time, yep, the same thing happens. Does this happen only if the genesis 8 female is turned into a genesis 8 male, or does it happen in both cases?
We don't have Genesis 8 Male - the clone shape is for AutoFit and isn't set-up for use as a working shape
Thank you! First steps on a male figure : )
@inquire, as Richard stated, there is no male for the Genesis 8 line yet. Daz will most likely release one, but no one really knows when.
In the meantime, you can use G3M to create a shape morph for G8F and turn her into a him. But you cannot load G3M materials directly onto the Genesis 8 Female figure. In fact, unless you purchase a product from SloshWerks, Genesis 3 UV Swap, you can't load G3M materials onto a Genesis 3 Female, either.
The male clones in the hidden folder are, as Richard also pointed out, just there for auto-fit. When you try to put clothing onto your G8F that wasn't made for her, you get a popup asking who the clothing was intend for. That drop-down list is populated with those clones. You select the clone of the figure the clothing was created for, specify the type of clothing, and hit enter. Then Daz Studio applies the clothing to G8F, using the clone to refit the clothing. Sometimes it works really well. Other times, not so much. A lot depends on the item you are auto-fitting.
If you'd like to try your hand at creating a shape morph, there is an excellent tutorial from Redz, available from the Morphs from G3 to G8 thread in The Commons. Make sure you get the latest version of the tutorial. It will show you how to create your own, (and most say, better fitting,) clone of any Genesis base, including G3M, and as a bonus, a G8F clone for your other Genesis models. These clones are necessary for creating the shape morph. After walking you through the clone creation, the tutorial then walks you through creating the shape morphs. The tutorial uses G2F for example throughout, but any Genesis base will do, including your G3M.
Good luck, and have fun.