Daz 4.9 won't start

Install Manager appeared to install it correctly but my shortcuts went missing... rhen I try to start it directly from Win Explorer I get the attachced error

I'm using Windows10 Peo 64 bit


Thanks in advance

1004 x 644 - 62K


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,857

    Try uninstalling, and if that works reinstalling.

  • Thanks for the advice Richard

    I've tried unistalling and reinstalling (including downloading it) through Install Manager but that makes no difference and I'm not conviced it's even doing anything - all the files are still there after it's supposedly unistalled

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,857

    that does souind as if the folder is locked, though when installing software DIM should be asking for, and given by you, elevated privileges

  • Sorry Ruchard, I'm an idiot - Windows had clearly thrown a hissy fit over some file or other and all it needed was a reboot.

    Thanks for your help

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