Can't find KeyMate
![Boingo the Clown](
I bought KeyMate on sale recently, and installed it through Install Manager, but when I try to find it in DAZ Studio, it is nowhere to be found. It is not under tools, and it is not under Windows > panes. I can't find it anywhere else either.
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling in Install Manager, but it still does not appear.
Does anyone have any idea where this plug in is hiding?
Does it appear in Help>About Isntalled plug-ins? if it does, is it asking for its serial number?
I can't find GraphMate or KeyMate it either.
I bought keyMate today and I can't find it either.
Have you entered the serial number in Help>About Installed Plug-ins and retstarted DS? You can get the serial number by right-clicking the plug-ins entry in Install Manager, assuming you use that, or from your Account pages.
Thanks for the help. I only spent half a day trying. Daz should put instructions on the sales page.
I can't find it anywhere in Installed Plugins.
How did you install? Was DS closed when you installed?
I have this problem as well.
Keymate is not showing up in the help>about installed plugins section despite the installer saying it is installed - I have tried reinstalling several times. I have tried re-installing with Daz closed with no luck.
Now, I am here. Not sure what to do.
I have this problem, too. Any solution yet?
In which version of DS? The improved Timeline in DS 4.12 already integrates KeyMate and GraphMate.
Thank you! Then how to see the manual of this new integrated version? In hte document center it shows the old version.
Bear in mind that it is still beta, and is being worked on, so it's a bit soon to di fnal documentation. There is discussion in the beta thread.
Thank you Richard!
I've had the same stupid problem and cannot find an answer. Did all of the stupid human tricks. Installed plug-ins doesn't accept the serial any longer. It list's in the panes, but doesn't show up. I can't find [anything] under the timeline... out of frustration, I hit something in the menu and there it was. Perhaps this can help the other lost souls...
Windos > Workspace > Off Screen Pane (tab) Groups... A window pops up. You'll see Key Mate with a checkmark. Click accept in the lower right corner And Pow it reappears.
Ya know, just in case you don't have amonitor six-foot deep to scroll down through the timeline mess.
If the serial number field is not there but the plug-in is then it is registered and doesn't require reentering.
Presumably it had been dragged off, perhaps you were using a multi-monitor set-up the last time you used the pane (or copied the layout from another system with mutliple monitors).